Chapter 10

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Jack: Do you care if I take the skin off this Furby? I want to make him a God. Once he is free of his sinful flesh, he can begin the path toward enlightenment. He will take care of us.

Jack: Also, I want to hack his software.

Ryan: I literally could not care less but never repeat anything as frightening as that.
Adam gets a text: Oh! Its Jack!

Ryan, excitedly: Did he get me the stuff?

Adam: Yeah, he said he got the clown costume, the power drill, and 12 gallons of blood

Ryan: Wow! Where'd he get 12 gallons of fake blood?

Adam: You wanted fake blood?

Adam: I'll call Jack
Ryan: Truth or Dare?

Jack: Truth.

Ryan: How many hours have you slept this week?

Jack: Dare.

Ryan: Go to bed.

Jack: I don't like this game
Adam: Ryan, there's a gross thing under my bed

Ryan, on the bottom bunk: ok, honestly fuck you.

Adam: it has lousy hair too
Ryan, drunk and annoyed: a human called me a possum.

Ryan: I am not a POSSUM.
Jack, tied up: I blame you.

Adam, tied up next to him: How can it possibly be my fault?

Jack: Because otherwise, it would be my fault. And that can't be right.
Adam: You know you can't just survive only off of coffee.

Ryan, Takes a sip of his 4th cup today: Watch me.
Jack: I live outside the law. I'm a badass. I'm a rebel. I'm a fighter-

Adam and Ryan: Calm down, Jack; it's a leather jacket.
Adam: what would you do with a brain if you had one?

Ryan: well, I'd-

Ryan: wait
Ryan: if anyone wants to freak out, this is a safe space, emotionally.

Also, Ryan: physically, we're obviously in danger.
Death: your time has come

Jack: hold on, let's me ask my fans

Death: that's not how it works

Jack: they said that "they're still mentally ill and need me," so bye and try next year.
Jack: well, this is a nice change of scenery.

Ryan: it's a prison cell!

Jack: I was being sarcastic,
Ryan: I'm not your alarm clock

Adam: Well, you're rather loud and annoying, so maybe you should be.
Computer: Create a password

*Adam types in Jack*

Computer: this password is weak

Adam: I know
Ryan: why is Adam screaming in his room?

Jack: he took one of those "which AJR member are you" quizzes.

Ryan: Oh, who did he get?

Jack, holding back laughter: me
Jack: I'm never donating blood again. The second you walk in the door, it just questions. "Where did you get it?" and "Why is it in a bucket?"

Adam: Jack, please tell me you're joking
Adam: Why is there a pancake in the silverware drawer?

Ryan: You mean "Why is there silverware in the pancake drawer?"

Adam: Dunno.
Ryan: So I was thinking maybe we could go out and do something tonight

Jack: Hmm...I don't know that seems like a lot of work
Jack: Adam?

Adam: hmmm

Jack: Would it be wrong to give my child a French name, speak to them only in French, and then raise them to hate the French?

Adam: It's frowned upon but I feel this is a conversation worth circling back to.

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