Chapter 2

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Ryan: now, where the hell...

Jack: what'd you lose this time?

Ryan: my glasses; I've been searching for two hours now.

Jack, staring at the glasses on top of Ryan's head: I'll help you find them if you give me $10
Adam: why were these melted chocolates in the oven? You could've burned the house down!

Ryan: you said you wanted hot chocolate.

Jack, returning from his hiking trip with Ryan: I have some good and bad news.

Adam: good news first.

Jack: Ryan learned that mountain lions are not friends.
Jack: I don't follow rules

Jack, opening Instagram: I follow dogs
Adam: pass me the salt.

Ryan: what's the magic word?

Adam: or else.

Ryan: that's two words but point taken.
Ryan: I got good news and bad news

Adam: tell me the good news.

Ryan: the airbags in your car work perfectly.
Ryan: Hey, you two think I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth?

Adam: you're a danger to yourself!

Jack: and a coward, do 20.
Ryan: um, why is there a green owl standing threateningly outside?

Adam, furiously typing on his phone: I didn't finish today's Japanese lesson
*Jack gets hit by a car*

Ryan: Jack! Oh my god! are you okay?!

Jack: I

Ryan, handing him his phone: y-yea! Right! We have to call 911!

*Jack opens Twitter*

Adam: Jack, what did you do? What the fuck did you do? THERE ARE FBI AGENTS OUTSIDE, AND YOU'RE WATCHING YOUTUBE?

*Jack continues playing youtube*

Ryan, holding the door back from the FBI: FUCK YOU!
Adam: hey Ryan, I typed 'Bitch' into my GPS, and guess what? I'm in your driveway!

Ryan: Adam, it's 2 in the morning.

Adam: vroom vroom, motherfucker
Jack: we need to get through this locked door; Ryan, quick, give me your credit card!

Ryan: here!

Jack, pocketing it: cool. Now, Adam, kick down the door!
Jack: I just tried watermelon on pizza, and honestly? It's delicious!

Adam: that's him, officer. That's the guy right there. Shoot him before he gets away.
Ryan: butter is just food lotion

Adam: please stop talking forever.
Jack: we're playing Scrabble. It's a nightmare.

Ryan: Scrabble? Scrabble's great!

Jack: when you're playing with Adam, it's not. he keeps using words like "antidisestablishmentarianism," and I put "egg."
Jack: have you ever been to an animal hospital?

Adam: what? no

*Adam imagines a cat with a tiny stethoscope*

Adam: but now I want to.
Instructor: welcome to salsa class! Who's ready to learn how to dance?

Ryan, hiding a bag of tortilla chips behind his back: there has been a misunderstanding
Police: you're under arrest for attempting to carry three people on a single motorcycle.

Jack: well, shit – wait...did you say three?

Police: yes, three.

Jack: OH NO

Police: is there a problem?

*Ryan steps outside for only two seconds*

Ryan: it's hot out here; I don't want to be out here.
Adam: take only what you need to survive.

*Jack grabs Shay*

Adam: what's this...I said to take only what you need to survive.

Jack: I can't live without her!

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