Chapter 9

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Jack: what are you doing?

Ryan, lying on the bed, wearing sunglasses and sipping iced coffee: being sad.
Adam: Ryan, we have to talk.

Adam: You can't keep reciting poetry and crying at 3 am.
Jack: um, Ryan, why is your child staring at me like that?

*Baby Winter wide eyes, stuffed animal in his arms, in some trance*

Ryan: um... I'd love to know... want to go to Uncle Jack, Winter?

Jack: no, Ryan, no, I don't know if-

*Baby Winter close to tears, reaching for Jack*

Ryan: come on, he won't bite.

Jack: Fine

*Baby Winter giggles and pokes at Jack's hair and face*

Ryan: aww, he thinks you're pretty! That's too adorable! Oh no, I feel the tears coming, here, take him, take him... this is more than I can bear.

Jack: he does look just like you- ow! Ry help! He won't stop poking me!
*When they were kids*

Their dad: Why are there little handprints on the wall?

Adam, to Jack and Ryan: Why are little handprints on the wall?

Ryan: because I have little hands

Jack, to their dad: Because Ryan has little hands.
Ryan: Jack, I'm home! Where are y-

*Jack sitting on the floor surrounded by dogs*

Ryan: What the fuck-

Jack: Can we keep them...please?

Ryan: No! There are too many!

Jack: Please

Ryan: ...Fine.
Jack: Hey Adam, are you awake?

Adam: What?

Jack: Are you awake?

Adam: Who the fuck do you think said "what"?
Ryan: I accidentally lost Shay

Jack: Well, I'm accidentally going to kill you
*Ryan sneaking through their window*

Adam, spinning around in his chair, flicking a single light on: you want to tell me where you've been all night?

Ryan: I was with Jack

Jack, falling from the ceiling and stands up: Wanna try again?
Ryan: You drink your coffee black, Adam?

Adam: Yes.

Ryan: God, who hurt you?

Adam: Alphabetically or chronologically?

Ryan: Let's forget I asked.
Adam: What are you hiding from me?

Jack: Nothing...

Adam: Jack.

*Jack slowly pulls a puppy out of his coat*
Alba: I think I am in love with Jack.

Adam: I'm sorry?

Alba: I said, I think I'm-

Adam: No, I heard what you said; I'm just sorry for you.
Jack: so I got kicked out of the studio because I'm a "annoying" and "reckless" and "Jack."

Jack: the last one is my name, but you should have heard Ryan's tone.
Ryan: How's the prettiest person here?

Cat, flustered: I-

Jack from across the room: I'm great, thanks!
Jack: Ew, there's a spider...kill it

Adam, picks it up: Aw, no...look at him, he's cute!

Jack: I hope it bites you.
Ryan: I'm about to drown oppositely.

Adam: dehydrate. The word is dehydrate.
Jack: what if I poured coffee into my cereal instead of milk?

Adam, taking the pot: what if you didn't?
Jack: Okay, well, I never think of money as an issue.

Adam: That's because you have it.

Ryan: You make a good point.

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