Chapter 8

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Ryan: we're going to die!

Jack: oh well, we lived a good life.

Ryan: I'm 28!

Jack: I said good, not long.
Adam: Love is a very complex emotion, Jack. You can feel very close to someone one minute, and the next minute; why do you want to strangle them, do you understand?

Jack: I'm familiar with the urge to strangle, yes
*Ryan being kidnapped*

Ryan: will I need my toothbrush?

Kidnapper: shut up!

Ryan: I'm assuming that means you're providing the toothbrush
Adam: you were so drunk last night

Jack: huh

Adam: I asked you something, and you just said, "I'm not mentally ill."

Jack: but I am

Ryan: that's what I said
Jack: treat spiders the way you want to be treated

Ryan: killed without hesitation

Jack: NO!
Adam: sometimes, I am painfully reminded that you are 24 years old and have no life experience yet, mainly because you're stupid.
Some guy: you two are a little old to be trick or treating

Jack: we're here to rob you

Ryan: some candy would be nice though
Adam: Let me show you a picture from last night that upset me

Ryan: Okay, but in my defense, Jack bet me 50 cents I couldn't drink all that shampoo.

Adam: That's not what I wanted to. You drank SHAMPOO?!
*Adam makes a simple and understandable mistake*

Adam: I should chew glass.
Jack: I'm a great driver.

*Also, Jack runs a stop sign, goes 20 miles over the speed limit, cuts off people when merging, never uses his turn signals, and tailgates people*
Ryan: so, you come here often?

Adam: This is my fucking house.
Jack: I can do what I want! I fear no one! No one can control me!

*Ryan starts dialing a number on his phone*

Jack: wait, what are you doing? Are you calling Adam? Please don't call Adam! Look, I'll return all the stuff I stole. I'll do anything! Please don't call him Ryan.
----------------------------------------Adam: I prevented a murder today

Ryan: really? how'd you do that?

Adam: self control
Jack: if u have they/them in ur bio I will not argue with u, I'm clearly outnumbered
*when Jack and Ryan was younger*


Ryan playing along: this house is a FUCKING NIGHTMARE
Ryan: If you really want to be good at something you need to practice. Practice makes perfect!

Adam: I don't need to practice; I'm already perfect

Ryan: I- okay-
Ryan: it's called cauliflower, not gHoSt BrOcCoLi

Jack shaking: I know what I saw
Adam: Jack is acting suspicious. And I for one, do not want to wake up dead.

Ryan: I can't believe I have to say this again. You cannot wake up and be dead.

Adam: It's an expression.

Ryan: It's not.
Adam: What are you doing?

*Jack distracted and kept glancing at Adam*

Jack: What do you mean? I'm reading a book.

Adam: Well, you're reading it upside down.

Jack: I'm still looking at it - from different angles to see if it's good.

*Ryan trying not to laugh behind them*

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