Chapter 13

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Ryan: Jack, you need to start taking care of yourself.

Jack, chugging his fifth energy drink of the evening: no.
Adam: how did you manage to pull a muscle in your neck, back, and a leg?

*Jack limping away from the conversation*

Ryan: he was trying to roundhouse kick a pigeon.
Interviewer: What do you say when you answer the phone?

Ryan: Hello, this is Ryan

Adam: What the fuck do you want?

Jack: No, he's in jail; this is his brother.
Jack: now and then, I like to do something responsible, to confuse people
Alba to Jack: I am slowly, ever so slowly, beginning to like you, so please don't fuck it up.
Adam: geez, I'm starving. I haven't eaten anything since 11.

Ryan: how old are you now??
Ryan: day one of eating every plant I see!

*10 minutes later*

Ryan: I think I need help.
*Cat steals some of Ryan's fries at dinner*

*Ryan quietly puts the engagement ring back in his pocket*
Adam: You need to lie still, Ry. You've lost a lot of blood.

Ryan: I didn't "lose" my blood, Adam. I know exactly where it is.

Ryan points to a large puddle of blood: It's right there.
Ryan: when's the last time you slept

Jack: sleep is overrated

Adam: yes, but last time I checked, it keeps you alive

Jack: exactly why it's overrated
Ryan: I'm a simple person. People raise their voices at me, and I cry for an hour.
*Jack does something so stupid, just so ridiculous, absolute stupid*

Alba: ah. Regrettably, that is the love of my life.
Jack, taking off a hat to reveal a smaller, sparkly, secret hat underneath: Does this answer your question?

Ryan: I never asked a question
*Jack is a drug addict*

Adam: you're a filthy drug addict, you know that?

Jack: no, I'm a happy addict; the drugs help
Interviewer: how are things?

AJR: please, don't make us think about out life
Erza: you guys d-

Ryan: drained?

Adam: depressed?

Jack: dumb?

Erza: Done with using the bathroom? What is wrong with you people?
Rayn: did it hurt when you fell?

Jack his rolls eyes: from heaven? no

Ryan: what? no, when you fell as you walked on stage 10 minutes ago

Jack: ...

Adam: we all saw it, Jack
Adam: do not fear death. fear the state in which you die.

Ryan, whispering, scared: New York....
Random person: damn, I bet you're wild in bed.

Jack: yeah, I got rabies and shit.
Ryan: arm wrestling competition!

Jack: fuck yeah!

Jack: we're just holding hands?

Ryan: yes
Adam: you little fucks need to stop drawing shit on my face when I'm asleep, especially you, Jack, you little shits; I'll ban you from tweeting on Twitter!
Ryan: Jack, I love you with my heart and soul but stop trying to fight the pigeon
Jack: can we have slurpies, but like crack flavor?
Ryan: what's for lunch?

Adam: food, generally

Ryan: NO, I mean, what are you having??

Adam: an unwanted conversation

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