I looked at the injection site, and spotted a minuscule black speck. Welp, that's the Prime!

It seems to appear on the surface of my skin, but is more or less located on the layer beneath it. However, when I say the activation word, the nanos will shoot out of the surface of my skin, and surround me.

I looked around my room to make sure that nobody is looking, despite knowing that my door is both closed and locked.

Let's see if I have succeeded.

"Tora." I stated quietly.

I heard a bit of a shuffling noise, and black bots spread across my body, almost more quickly than I could fathom. Well, that was fast.

I felt myself rise up, and it felt like I was standing on air. The nanos enveloped my face, and everything in my line of vision got a bit darker, as if I were wearing sunglasses.

The shuffling noise then ended. I turned around, and gawked at my reflection in the window.

Holy. Cow.

I'm about six feet tall. Both my arms and my legs appear to be much longer. I actually look like a fully grown woman inside of this suit.

If you're wondering how the heck I'd control my longer limbs, it's because when I move my natural limbs, it sends a signal to the nanos, to mirror the movements of them.

My entire suit is black, with silver trimming along the lines. I sort of based the eyes off of Spider-Man's eyes on his costume. So, the eyes are rather large, and slanted downwards. The eyes on my suit are completely white, so you can't see my real eyes.

I included a long tail onto my suit, that I can control like a third limb. It's not too long, but it's longer than my arms are.

I swished the tail on my suit, side to side. Yup. It's about as easy to control as my arm is.

The tail can be used for plenty of things. For example, it could be used for catching things like knives, hanging upside-down, swinging from surface to surface, or crushing objects.

I thrusted both of my hands, revealing much longer metal claws than my natural ones. They also appear to be way sharper. My natural claws are for occasions where I can't use my supersuit. Which, won't be very often.

I finally won't have to tear myself apart every time I want to use claws!

The artificial claws, both the ones in my fingers and the ones in my toes, are made by scans that the nanos took of the real claws. So, they're basically imitating what my claws would look like once I'm an adult.

I can hear something going on downstairs. Did I mention that my hearing, along with my other senses are enhanced even further when I wear the suit? Heh, just another one of my cool bonuses.

Now, what is that guy saying..?

"Oliver Queen!" Quentin shouted, his voice coming from the front entrance.

"What is this? You can't just barge in here!" Walter exclaimed.

"Yeah? Well, I've got a badge and a gun that say different." Quentin sneered.

"What the hell is going on here?" Oliver growled.

"Oliver? What's happening?" Thea asked.

Uh oh. That doesn't sound good.

"Recall." I said softly, making my nanos immediately scurry back towards the spot below my collarbone, where the Prime resides.

The nanos reentered the Prime, and disappeared from sight. The injection site is covered by my shirt anyways, so no one should be able to see anything.

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