1: Antisocialist* rewritten

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(Asking Alexandria - Antisocialist)

Eighteenth birthdays, dreadful time of year. I've hated the thought of it ever since I was little. You must ask why? Let me tell you. I'm a werewolf. Right? Hard to believe but it's true. When we turn eighteen everyone expects to find their mate. Everyone expects you to find your mate. What people don't get is your mate can do one of two things, accept or reject you. Most people are usually like "My mate is going to accept me because of such and such." Fuck no, it doesn't work like that all the time.

Guess what today is. Ding. Ding. Ding. You got it right. Here's a cookie for you. Today is my birthday and I want to fall in a hole.

'Can someone dig one for me or must I do it myself? No? I guess I'll have to. All jokes aside there is more, I have to go to school. That is just plain bad luck there.'

I get that many people have to go to school on their birthday but when you're a werewolf and has to go to school on your birthday? That's not a good thing. If I do find my my mate at school, having them reject me in front of everyone? Please come to my funeral. I'd die of embarrassment.

"Happy birthday!!!" My family yells out once I step into the kitchen.

"Guys can you please not? It's embarrassing enough that I have to go to school so please don't add to it."

'My parents would disown me if I skipped and they found out. Plus, they know damn well that if I said I had a doctors appointment or something of the sort they would have a come apart. We don't need that happening.'

"Come on Elijah it's not that embarrassing." My dad says as my mom places strawberry and chocolate chip pancakes in front of me.

"Yes, yes it is embarrassing dad."

"Eli don't be a downer maybe you'll find your mate." My sister Lia says shoving my shoulder slightly while laughing.

"I'm okay with finding my mate but having them reject me is something I'm scared about." I say before continuing to eat.

"Your mate isn't going to reject you, now hurry up so that we can leave," she says as she finishes up her food.

She can't say much she still has a year to go before she turns eighteen but she is still annoying and can't stop me from telling her so.

"Shut the hell up before I slap the nonsense out of you. Let me eat in peace. It's not your birthday and we aren't going to be late." I say as I finish eating and clean my place.
"Elijah, no slapping your sister. Lia, leave your brother be." Mom comments, Lia childishly sticks her tongue out at me.

I roll my eyes. Our parents hands me a package and urges me to open it.
I open the gift smiling at the two of them. They got me a new camera.

"I already have one. Why did they have to get me a new one? They could have just gotten me something cheap and I would have been fine with it. They didn't have to get me anything.'

"Thanks you guys! I can't wait to use it." I say happily before giving them both a hug.
Unlike me, my wolf Romy is very excited about meeting our mate.

Our mates going to reject us. You and I both know it.

No, they aren't, you have to be more confident.

I am confident that our mate is going to reject us. How was that?

I say to him mentally smirking.

You know that's not what I meant. Stop being a smart ass.

He says rolling his eyes.

Yeah, I know, I just wanted to annoy you. The both of us can feel that they are going to reject us.

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