6: Eternally Yours* rewritten

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(Motionless In White - Eternally Yours)

The next day Jasper takes me to school. Neither one of us says a thing to each other. We both know that we will have to eventually but at the moment the both of us are to stubborn. When we get to school we get out of the car and heads inside but we don't make it.

We are both stopped by none other than Wyatt Palace. Yuna tries to stop from what he's about to do.

"Wyatt, stop it's pointless. Let the omega slut be," she says.

"Do you want to die? She accepted your fucking rejection remember? What the hell is wrong with you?" She continues but he doesn't let up.

"I, Wyatt Palace challenge Jasper the Lycan for his mate Elijah Maleny," he declares looking into my eyes.

"You really want to die. I wouldn't mind fighting you because I know you'd lose Wyatt. You are a complete dumbass you know that? Who in their right mind would go up against a Lycan? Did your father put you up to this or is this legit stupidity on your part?" I ask annoyed.

"I refuse." Jasper says unbothered.

"YOU CAN'T REFUSE A CHALLENGE." Wyatt yells angrily.

"News flash dickweed, he can. He's a fucking Lycan so those rules don't apply to him. By the way dumb-dumb he would kill you in a split second if he wanted do. Are you just an idiot or do you even have a brain?" I say making him growl.

Before I know it Wyatt runs at me and tries to bite me. He's not able to because Jasper rips him off me before punching him in the face. Wyatt attacks him but it doesn't do much to Jasper it just hurts Wyatt instead. Jasper blocks Wyatt's attacks and punches him in the face again before grabbing his shoulders and knees him the gut. I sense that he's going phase so I run up to them and breaks Wyatt's arm making him howl in pain.

"You shouldn't have done that you dumb ass fuck. I did that to keep him from killing you. Be fucking grateful." I growl out before turning my attention to Jasper to calm him down.

"Jaz baby, I'm here, come back to me. Jaz come on. I'm only yours. You know that I'm only yours. No one can have me. I belong to you and you alone." I say as I take his face into my hands looking into his now black eyes.

He leans down so that our cheeks are touching and rubs his against mine effectionaltly.

"Come one Jaz, I need to get to class." I making him nod.

Everyone disperses and goes to class.

The rest of the school day is boring and drags.

The school day ends and instead of Jasper going to either one of our houses he takes me to the waterfall he took me too the first time he took me anywhere. I look at with confusion filled eyes.

'Why are we here?'

"Will you let me mate you?" He asks with uncertainty, I blush.

"Yes. yes, you can mate me. I actually really want you to." I say blushing.

"Before we do that I want to clear up something. I'm really sorry for not taking your side yesterday. I was just confused and still in shock but that is no excuse for my actions or words yesterday. I know it made you second guess where my loyalty lies. I hope that I can make it up to you," he says looking at me as he takes my hands in his that are on the smooth rock that we are sitting on.

"You can make it up to me by showing me how much you love me. But um, why are we here Jaz?"

"This is a special place to me. I found it on my first run when we got here. The day I met you actually, to be mor precise. I was so glad that I found my mate but so annoyed that you were still so young. I had to stay at a distance and it drove me crazy. Goddesses, I didn't want to stay away from you. I'm actually the reason why not much of anyone didn't come up to you and your friends. Yet, there was so little I could do without anyone getting suspicious. Ever since I met you, you have always been my light. Nothing, no one can change that," he making me blush at the love and slight lust in his eyes.

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