10: Scars* rewritten

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IPrevail - Scars

Jasper's POV

Eli has seven hours left. Erris has less than that. The both of them have been in the same state since they started to get sick which means the both of them haven't woken up completely. Their fevers have wavered but that's because they are fighting to stay alive. If they don't fight it they would still have a fever and Tryst and I both would be extremely worried.

I'm not saying we aren't worried cause we are. There is a chance for them to stop fighting and could just give up. None of us want that. I definitely don't want that.

I give Eli a sponge bath and changes his clothes since the ones he's wearing now are full of sweat and I know he wouldn't appreciate being in dirty sweaty clothes when he wakes up. I'm sure he wouldn't want dirty hair either but I can't wash his hair.

I can't say if. If is like saying he's going to die and that can't happen.

Two hours before Elijah should be waking while Erris is supposed to be waking up now. I can hear Landon's panicked heart from their room. The minutes pass in suspense before I hear coughing coming from their room and I know it's Erris. I sigh in relief from this.

I rub my face with my hands as I anxiously wait for the hours to pass by.

The hour for Eli to wake up arrives. After about five minutes he doesn't move. I wait for another five minutes but nothing happens.

"Elijah baby, please wake up. Please. I can't lose you. Please wake up." I say as tears well up in my eyes threatening to fall but still nothing happens.

"Please goddesses let him wake up." I beg the moon goddesses.

I check to see if he's steal breathing to find he is.

Twenty five minutes later he still hasn't woken up.

"Baby, you've got to wake up. I can't live without you. I'd go crazy. You are the only one that can keep me from wiping out whole groups of people." I say weakly as I caress his cheek.

"I know you can come back. I believe in you. We all do." I say looking at him lovingly before kissing him on top of the head removing my hand from his cheek and lays on the bed next to him.

I wake up to groaning next me and mentally curse myself for falling asleep.

We're ok Jasper. Just tired we'll wake up soon. The moon goddess Esmeray was just talking to us. She said that Eclipsa will come to us when it is time to kill Kalina. She also said that since she talked to me and Elijah that it drains our energy so we need to sleep to regain it. So don't worry we'll wake up when our energy is back.

Romy's voice rings through my head before fading out.

I let out a breath of relief as a knock my door resonates through my room.

I get up from the bed and walks over to the door. I open the door to find Vincent, Jayce, and Kyle.

"Has he woken up?" Vincent asks.

"No but Romy spoke to me and said that they will wake up when their energy is back. They are just sleeping. Their energy was drained by talking to the moon goddess Esmeray. I'll tell you when he wakes up."

"Ok, We were worried especially Vincent, who has been pacing around in circles in our room. I thought he was going to walk a hole in the floor." Jayce says making Vincent hit his arm.

"I wasn't walking around that much."

"Vincent, you were." Kyle says making Vincent gasp out like he was hurt.

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