i grab her arm and place her into a choke hold. "Going to tap out there." She shakes her head. I tighten the presser a little and the she taps. "I win." I get off of her and help her up and give her a hug.

After the class was done Tory, Aisha and i went to my house to grab close to go to the beach club. Aisha invited us and i never miss the chance to go to the beach. Plus Robby told me he was going there later today. So i might see him.

The girls and I went to my room to grab cloths. Aisha already had hers and Tory was just going to use mine. 

"Woah kiddo, what's happening here? Looks like a war in here." My dad said as he walked in on us throwing my cloths around.

"I don't know what to wear to the beach club." I was panicking and my friends  just laughed, knowing me and how i liked to dress to impress. 

"Well, just wear something comfy I guess." 

"Wow, thanks dad, you're a lot of help," i said sarcastically to him.  My dad smiled then walked out of my room to go help my mom.

I groaned. "I need to find something hot and sexy but a the same time doesn't look like i am trying to hard." I explain as i fall right back onto my bed.

"Why do you care so much?" Tory asked.

"Remover the girl that I was telling you about. Sam. Well, my boyfriend is staying at her house and she is the biggest flirt ever. She jumped to Kyler and then Miguel and now i think she is going after Robby and if not Robby, Lucas." I explain.

"Isn't Lucas gay?" Aisha asked me.


Both girls laughed some more, then Tory pulled out a swim suit. "That's perfect T. It's so cute and hot. I forgot i had that." I say smiling ass i grab it from her hands.

"Go change and then we will leave."

After i changed we got into the car and drove off to the beach club.

"Wow, this place is bigger than I remember." I explain as i got out of Aishas car and walked with my two besties.

I raised my eyebrows at the sight, almost bumping into a lady with her tote bag full of beach towels and a big beach hat that was covering her whole head.

"This is not the beach."  Tory  said as her face held the same reaction to me  mine "Where are the homeless dudes on rollerblades and the guys shoving shitty hip-hop demos in your face?"

  "No, don't worry. They'll come after they pass out the hors d'oeuvres," Aisha replied, the two replying with a few chuckles and glances looking out to the pool.

We all walked pass a group of teenage boys, who whistled at the sight of us. I flipped them off with Tory and Aisha just laughed at us. "Boys these day make me want to gag they are so gross. Like cat calling really. Get a life" i explain wanting to bunch the group of boys.

"I mean i get it we are hot lady's but that doesn't give them the right to call out to us like that." Aisha explained agreeing with me.

"I says we go all cobra Kai on there asses and then beat them to a pulp." Tory says as I laugh with Aisha.

"Why not?"

The three of continued to talk, getting to know each other or more like Aisha and Tory getting to know each other. Aisha then left to go grab some food. Tory and i kept on walking and ended up by bar, but we both froze when we caught sight of vodka. A smirk appeared on both of our faces. We looked at each other with the same idea sitting in our brains.

-𝙵*𝚌𝚔 𝙼𝚎𝚛𝚌𝚢-   Robby X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now