"Wai-WAAA" Natsu exclaimed as he fell along with the cage until they landed a few feet in front of us making Shiemi wince.

Natsu got up after a bit and yelled at me "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!"

"We needed to get the cage down right?" I said putting my gun away.

"No! I could of just gotten him out!" He barked back stomping on the cage.

"Well let's just be glad nobody got hurt" I said looking into the large cage to see a giant Kuro sleeping blissfully inside.

He simply crossed his arms and mumbled something I couldn't hear under his breath.

"It's locked, how should we get him out?" Shiemi asked holing the lock in her hand.

"Whatever we do we gotta hurry we're runnin outta time here" said Natsu looking up in the trees.

We had to think of a way to get Kuro out without hurting him and fast.

"Umm.. excuse me sir" Shiemi tugged on Natsu's pants to get his attention.

"Yeah?" He responded looking down at her.

"You can use flames right? Could you maybe use them to melt the bars?" She asked politely with a slight smile.

"If I gotta" he jumped off of the cage and put his hands on two of the bars.

The bars began to melt and he eventually was able to pull them right off, he continued this until there was enough room to fit Kuro through.

"Alright I'll wake him up. Natsu, are you picking up anymore scene?" I asked stepping into the cage.

"Yeah, this one I know." he said looking over his shoulder.

Alright we'll head there next. I walked up to Kuro and started petting him to see if that would wake him up.

After a bit he yawned and stretched then looked around with a tired expression.

"Come on Kuro lets go, I'll explain things later once were done." I said as Kuro walked out of the cage and I got Shiemi and myself on top of him.

I reached my hand out towards Natsu and waited for him to get on "well?" I asked

"Thanks but I'll pass I'm not exactly good with any form of transportation" he said already looking green.

"Alright then lead the way." I said getting a better grip and making sure Shiemi was on alright.

"Ok this way" he pointed with his arm extended and began to run while Kuro followed swiftly.

I sure hope we can get everyone back in time.


Rin's POV

Man this is awkward, we've barely said anything to each other this whole time and we still have no idea where we're going. Besides this guys still half naked and that's pretty weird.

We were just wondering the city looking and asking around for our friends, we have no idea where to start with this man it's frustrating!

"Hey, you know this guy better than I do where do you think he would have everyone?" Gray finally asked

"I don't know, but if I had to guess maybe somewhere in the academy? By the way dude aren't you cold?" I asked pointing down at him

"I'm an ice wizard ok we don't get cold!" He said defensively crossing his arms in an attempt to cover himself.

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