give it a shot

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last night Atsumu had reorganized their dorm room slightly. he had moved the desk aside from between the beds and pushed them together before moving the desk against the wall on the other side.

now as he woke up the next day, he had a black haired boy in his arms. it was like their bodies were entangled, but it felt comfortable.

Kiyoomi's arms were wrapped around the blonde's torso and his head rested on the slowly rising and falling chest.

Atsumu kissed the top of the sleeping boy's head and touched his forehead. it was still warm.

"ya poor thing..."

last night Kiyoomi had started feeling sick and came down with a fever. luckily it was the weekend so he wouldn't miss classes and Atsumu could stay with him.

the setter carefully untangled their bodies, getting up from the bed without waking the sick boy up. he made his way to the small kitchen corner of their room and started brewing coffee. while the coffeemaker was doing its magic, he filled a glass with water and set it down onto the small table by the beds, along with a painkiller.

once the coffee was done, he poured it into two mugs and brought them by the bed as well. the last thing he did was grab a fever patch before sitting down on the edge of the bed with it.

he moved Kiyoomi's hair out of the way, pressing the patch on his forehead gently.

"Atsu..?" a sleepy voice mumbled.

"sorry, did I wake ya?" the blonde asked as the sleepy one opened his eyes.

"yeah but I don't mind, it's morning anyway."

Atsumu smiled at his boyfriend and helped him into a comfortable sitting position, tucking pillows behind his back.

"I made coffee, but first ya should drink some water 'n take this painkiller", the caretaker said as he handed the glass and tablet over.

Kiyoomi did as requested before he was handed the coffee mug.

"who knew being taken care of when you're sick could be this nice", he sighed happily, looking down into the cup in his hands.

Atsumu chuckled: "I'll always take care of ya, even if ya feel fine. any day ya want."

Kiyoomi smiled.

"I do wonder though, how did I get sick? I haven't been sick in ages, I'm so careful, I always wear a mask when we go out", he pondered.

when he looked into the hazel eyes, he realized: "it's you! you're my weakness against the germs!"

Atsumu laughed softly.

"ya wound me, Omi-Omi."

"maybe I should start wearing my mask around you too..."

the blonde gasped dramatically: "don't ya dare deny me access to those beautiful lips of yers..."

Kiyoomi's quiet laughter rang in Atsumu's ears. he leaned closer and kissed the sick boy gently.

"you're gonna get sick", the curly head protested.

"I don't care, it'll be worth it", the blonde grinned.

Kiyoomi shook his head with a smile.

"you're a dork, you know?"

"I'm yer dork!" the playful boy replied and stuck his tongue out.

"yes yes, you're my adorable dork", the softly smiling boy said as he ruffled the blonde hair.

as the day went on, Atsumu did in fact start to feel unwell. by the time it was evening, the two had binged the first season of their favorite American show; Brooklyn nine-nine.

"remember when we watched this for the first time? ya said ya didn't think it'd be yer thing, but when I convinced ya to give it a shot, ya fell in love with it", the older reminiscenced.

what Atsumu said referred to watching a show, but it reminded Kiyoomi of how they became friends. as stated before, his only friend had always been his cousin. connecting with people was something he had always struggled with, but talking with Atsumu during the practice camp felt natural. of course he didn't think much of it before the last night. he had assumed they would never see each other again and that the blonde wouldn't even remember his face. but seeing the hyperventilating boy underneath the tree... the anxious one knew he had to do something. He pushed himself out of his comfort zone, and he gave the blonde a shot.

"I feel like a big part of that was watching it with you", the curly head admitted.

"oh yea, definitely! at first we were sittin' apart like regular friends, but by the fourth season ya cuddled me!"

Kiyoomi blushed slightly from embarrassment, remembering how he progressively grew more comfortable with physical contact with the blonde.

"you're exaggerating. sure, I leaned against you, but that's all."

Atsumu snickered softly, squeezing the hand in his.

"well either way, I can't believe it took ya this long to recognize yer feelings for me!"

"says the one who was too scared to confess..."

"but I did confess! 'n look at us now! I can call ya my boyfriend, Omi-Omi."

the bright smile on the blonde's lips melted Kiyoomi's heart. but that's when he realized something about that adorable face was off.

"Atsu... your face is redder than normal, are you feeling okay?"

the concerned boy cupped the other's cheeks before moving one of his hands to the forehead.

"yeah, I think I got you sick as well... you feel really warm."

a small pout formed on the setter's lips before he asked: "are ya implying that ya can't promise to actually love me in sickness?"

Kiyoomi chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"you're making it sound like we're getting married."

"I did tell ya that I'll propose one day", the blonde winked at his boyfriend.

the dark haired boy blushed slightly and turned his gaze back to the tv. yet again, his mind flooded with thoughts of being wedded to his loved one. he smiled to himself, amused by how his view on love had changed in such a short time and only because of the boy he had fallen for.

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