triple date

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soon enough, the pair was sitting at a ramen restaurant, surrounded by their four friends.

"out with it", Osamu grumbled at his twin.

"huh? I don't know what ya mean", Atsumu chuckled nervously.

"ya clearly have somethin' to say... don't ya know how well I can read yer gestures?"

"oh, um", the blonde glanced at the curly head sitting next to him as he intertwined their fingers under the table.

Kiyoomi nodded slightly, to let Atsumu know he was ready.

"as a matter of fact, my dear brother, we did have somethin' to tell y'all", the setter started, "ya see, Omi 'n I are dating."

a loud "finally" could be heard from the younger twin. Kiyoomi tilted his head, looking questioningly at the grayish brunette.

"oh, ya have no idea what I've had to endure... I mean, Tsumu's been pinin' over ya for at least two years, 'n guess who had to listen to him gush about how pretty ya were 'n how he just wanted to kiss ya."

"SAMU! STOP!" the blushing twin yelled out, but was completely ignored.

Kiyoomi looked at his flustered boyfriend.

"is that so? maybe you should've just confessed sooner and we could've been high school sweethearts", he snickered at the pout forming on Atsumu's face.

"congrats, Kiyo! I knew you wouldn't end up alone despite your sour attitude towards love", Motoya grinned at his cousin.

"yeah, yeah... my heart of ice was melted by this boy whose love is as warm as the sun, yada yada..." the black haired boy rolled his eyes.

"now there's just you two left", Rintarō noted, implying there was something between Motoya and Michinari.

"whaaat, pfffft, we're best bros", Michinari laughed, clearly uncomfortable.

"okay, you saying we're best bros just revealed there's something there", Motoya sighed at the fellow libero.

Kiyoomi raised his eyebrow. he knew Motoya had a crush on Michinari, but he wasn't aware they were an item.

"so", the light brunette began, "we've been dating in secret."

"aw man, so me 'n Omi really were the last ones of this group to get together?" Atsumu pouted.

Kiyoomi looked at his boyfriend suspiciously: "since when was dating a competition?"

"hah, never, I was just... um... ANYWAY, why'd y'all hide it?"

Kiyoomi chuckled before turning his head to the liberos who were looking at each other, as if they were trying to get their stories straight.

"well, we just wanted to figure out what it was before making anything public", Motoya explained to the group.

Michinari added: "yeah, we didn't wanna make a big fuss in case it didn't work out or somethin'."

everyone nodded understandingly.

"so, y'all are confidently datin' now?" Rintarō inquired.

"yessir", the older libero confirmed.

"great! now we can all go on a triple date!" the blonde of the bunch suggested.

everyone looked at him in silence.

"isn't that just our regular hangout, though..?" his twin commented, confusing the older one.

"well, sure, maybe now that we're all openly in relationships..."

the others snickered. it was always like this; whenever Atsumu had an idea, Osamu would always question it and make it sound stupid.

the whole meal was spent catching up and asking questions about everything and nothing.

after they finished eating, the group decided to catch a movie spontaneously.

as they were waiting in line, Rintarō revealed his skepticism: "this is probably gonna turn out to be a shitty movie."

"well if it's that bad, then we'll get to criticize it together", his boyfriend grinned, making the smile latch onto his face as well.

the six chose seats in the back row, and luckily the theatre was quite empty. there were only a few smaller groups of people, a handful of couples and a single person by themselves.

as the movie began, everyone's eyes were fixated onto the screen. well, almost everyone's...

a pair of midnight black eyes kept glancing at the blonde sitting on the right side. the gaze shifted down to the seats' shared armrest, which the boy's hand was hanging off of.

Kiyoomi looked at the hand for a moment, contemplating whether or not it was too early to do what he wanted. he looked at Atsumu, who was surprisingly focused on the movie, his face dimly lit from the projection.

the black haired boy faced forwards again, continuing to watch the movie while his fingers brushed against the hand he had been staring at.

Atsumu felt the subtle touch and glanced at his boyfriend from the corner of his eye, turning his hand so that the palm faced upwards. a smile tugged on his lips as he felt Kiyoomi's hand slide onto his. their fingers intertwined as if on automation, and they both smiled contently in silence.

the blonde brought their hands up to his face, nuzzling the back of the curly head's hand before pressing light kisses on it.

Kiyoomi's cheeks flushed. it was getting hard to concentrate on the movie with the distracting sensation of his boyfriend's lips on his skin. something about Atsumu kissing his hand made him feel euphoric.

out of the three couples, Michinari and Motoya were paying the least attention to the movie. they were all over each other, making out as if they weren't in the middle of their friends.

Rintarō and Osamu having been together the longest, didn't feel the need to jump each other in the back row of a movie theater. they were whispering and snickering together, clearly making fun of the movie.

Atsumu leaned over to his left and whispered: "yer cousin is disgusting, 'n I have to sit next him."

"how dare you, your friend is the one who tainted him", Kiyoomi gasped dramatically.

"Michinari would never! he's a good guy", the blonde kept going with the joke.

"suuuure", the curly head rolled his eyes playfully before showing a smile.

the hazel eyes gazed into the black ones lovingly. no one else had ever made Atsumu feel this way. he was enjoying every second he spent with Kiyoomi, hoping the latter felt the same.

he pulled Kiyoomi's mask down and kissed the pale cheek in the dark movie theater. but before he could return the mask as it was, the other's head slowly turned to him.

"what was that for..?"

"for bein' so incredible", the setter shrugged.

Kiyoomi's cheeks felt warm again. before he could say anything, his boyfriend's head was resting on his shoulder. he kissed the head before laying his own on top of it. the two stayed like that for the rest of the screening; leaning against each other and holding hands.

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