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after the movie, our three couples parted ways.

"we haven't really been on a date, have we..?" Kiyoomi thought out loud while walking beside Atsumu.

the blonde next to him was taken aback by the sudden mention of a date and stammered: "well... no... not really..."

he composed himself quickly and looked into the black eyes.

"would ya like to go on a date with me today, Omi?"

Kiyoomi smiled and felt his cheeks get warmer.

"I'd love to. but what would we do?"

they both walked in silence for a moment, thinking about the possibilities.

"ah! I know!" the shorter of the two exclaimed, "it's a nice day so let's have a picnic later!"

on their way back home, the couple stopped by a grocery store to pick out what they wanted to have on their picnic.

once they got back to their dorm, they prepared sandwiches and packed everything with them. Kiyoomi was in charge of the food, while Atsumu got to set the scene.

when they left, they walked hand in hand to the riverside where Atsumu had first confessed to his beloved.

the blonde let go of the hand he was holding in order to spread out the blanket he brought. he set down two cushions along with his bluetooth speaker and sat down.

while Kiyoomi set their snacks out, his boyfriend put on music. and not just any type of music, specifically love songs.

"really?" the black haired boy turned to look at his date, "a sappy romantic playlist?"

the blonde snickered.

"shut up, I know ya love this."

"maybe I do..." the wing spiker sighed happily as he took his mask off.

he looked at the boy beside him, whose eyes were almost sparkling as he gazed at the river. a small breeze was playing with his blonde locks.

Kiyoomi had always adored the setter, though only recently realized it.

a whisper completed the longing gaze: "you're so beautiful."

the other's cheeks flushed a bright red before he turned to look at the one who just called him beautiful.

"huh?! don't say that... that's so embarrassin'!"

Atsumu hid his face in his hands while the other laughed softly.

"can I not call my boyfriend beautiful?" the curly head reached out and stroked the blonde hair.

"I wasn't prepared for this... ya callin' me yer boyfriend 'n all..."

"but you are my boyfriend, aren't you?"

"I am..."

the flustered boy finally uncovered his face and looked at his other half.

"how are ya not flustered? I thought ya didn't have any experience! or is 'not caring about romance' yer secret weapon?"

the words hit Kiyoomi harder than either of the two expected, making him feel a sting in his chest, before he fell silent.


he averted the hazel eyes, but started speaking: "yeah, I did say I don't care about romance... I never thought it was meant for me... but then you came into my life, you made me feel comfortable, appreciated, and loved... as cliché as it sounds, I think I just found the right person for me."

by the time he finished, their eyes were locked together.

"Omi... I'm speechless..."

"you don't need to say anything."

the black haired boy cupped the pink cheeks in front of him and kissed the soft lips lovingly. he wanted to make his feelings clear as day; Atsumu needed to know just how much love Kiyoomi had for him in return.

it was a warm summer night, and the two lovers were lying down on the blanket together. one of them lying on his back with eyes closed, while the other one leaned against his elbow on his side and admired the curly head.

that was when he got a brilliant idea. he sat up and opened the jar of umeboshi they had brought. he grabbed a pair of chopsticks and lied back down, not before sanitizing his hands of course.

"open yer mouth", he instructed the boy who still had his eyes closed.

Kiyoomi questioned his boyfriend's sudden request but obliged either way. just as he opened his eyes, he saw the blonde leaning closer with chopsticks in his hand. the black haired felt a pickled plum being placed in his mouth. he blushed at Atsumu's action, but ate the fruit happily.

the blonde boy wore a grin on his face.

"well, how's it? me feedin' it to ya makes it better, right?"

Kiyoomi nodded slowly, still a little embarrassed. Atsumu wasn't wrong, though. he had eaten umeboshi countless times, but this time they tasted different.

"another one?"

"yes please", Kiyoomi replied with a soft smile.

after feeding his boyfriend some more, Atsumu caressed the natural black curls.

"I'm so lucky to have ya, Omi. ya mean everythin' to me."

he leaned down and placed a soft kiss on the other's forehead. when he pulled away, he saw the flushed face under him, making him chuckle.

"ya really are the prettiest guy I've ever laid my eyes on."

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