La Vie En Rose

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in the morning, Atsumu ended up sleeping way past the cafeteria's breakfast time, so Kiyoomi decided to pay a visit to the closest corner store and bring back a couple of croissants and fruits.

when the wing spiker returned, he slammed the door shut too loudly and ended up waking the setter up.

"Omi..?" a hoarse voice asked as the sleepy blonde sat up, rubbing his eyes.

the black haired boy smiled with a soft look in his eyes.

"good morning, Atsu, I brought breakfast", he said as he made his way to the bed with two paper bags.

he sat down and ruffled the blonde hair, messing it up even more.

"how are you feeling? your hangover isn't killing you, is it?"

the blonde shook his head: "nah, I didn't get wasted enough. I told ya I wouldn't drink like that anymore."

the black eyes looked down at the paper bags.

but the hazel ones saw the smile on Kiyoomi's lips. the blonde smiled as well. he recognized something had shifted inside the other boy... and it was something good.

the pair ate their breakfast on Atsumu's bed, chatting every now and then, just enjoying the comfortable atmosphere that surrounded them.

"Atsu", Kiyoomi started, "you wouldn't wanna practice a song today, would you?"

"sure! got somethin' specific on yer mind?"

the curly head nodded. he was starting to feel the butterflies in his stomach.

"do you know the song named La Vie En Rose?" he asked slowly, as if he was stalling.

"mhm, though we'll have to look up the chords for it, 'cause I don't know 'em", the guitarist grinned.

"yeah, I know the lyrics by heart so I hope we can make it work."

there was a subtle shock in the hazel eyes.

"ya wanna sing..? while I play..?"

Kiyoomi nodded, turning his head away in embarrassment. he had been wanting to sing along to Atsumu's guitar for a while, and now seemed like the perfect time.

as the two sat on the floor, facing each other, they both felt a certain nervousness they had never experienced before. Atsumu was mostly excited to hear his crush sing, while Kiyoomi was anxious about what would happen after the song.

the guitarist was sat with his legs crossed, holding his instrument as he went over each note. the singer watched, waiting for a sign of readiness.

his eyes were met by the lovely hazel ones, paired with a specific smile only he ever saw.

the guitar's strumming started. the black haired boy let out a breath he didn't realize was being held in, and began singing.

"hold me close and hold me fast.
the magic spell you cast.
this is la vie en rose."

he thought about the countless moments they had held each other, and the safe feeling he had around Atsumu.

"when you kiss me, heaven sighs.
and though I close my eyes,
I see la vie en rose."

the moments where he had been at his worst, but Atsumu was there to comfort him, flooded his mind. the blonde brought light into his life, as if he was the sun Kiyoomi revolved around.

"when you press me to your heart,
I'm in a world apart,
a world where roses bloom."

he thought about the moments when he had missed Atsumu the most. and the reunions that made him feel like he had found a missing piece of himself.

"and when you speak, angels, sing from above.
everyday words seem
to turn into love songs."

his heartbeat was faster than it was normally. it made focusing difficult, but it also made his feelings clear. he was in love with the boy who loved him like no one else. he knew Atsumu was the one for him, there would be no one more fitting to ever be with.

"give your heart and soul to me,
and life will always be,
la vie en rose..."

the song ended with the last line being dragged out.

the two sets of eyes were staring deep into each other, unable to look away.

Kiyoomi leaned in, cupping Atsumu's cheek as he spoke: "I'm sorry I took so long. I'm sorry I wavered. but I'm sure now... I want to call you mine."

he pressed his lips against Atsumu's, tenderly. the kiss started out slow, but as the one being kissed recovered from his shock and kissed back, it grew more affectionate.

they held each other's faces, refusing to part their lips even if they were running out of oxygen.

eventually they had to part, solely to catch their breaths. Atsumu moved his guitar out of his lap, positioning it against the bed carefully as his mind searched through words.

"that was incredible..." he got out as he turned back to the boy who had just stolen his first kiss.

Kiyoomi was blushing and looking down at the floor beside him.

"I'm glad you liked it", he murmured.

"liked it? that's an understatement; I loved it!" the blonde exclaimed before lowering his volume, "so much that I wanna kiss ya again."

the black eyes looked up at him.

"what's stopping you?"

a smirk was thrown at the curly head. suddenly his back was pressed against the bed frame, while a hand held the side of his face as he was being kissed. the kiss was more passionate than before. he knew his other half had been waiting for this moment for a long time now, and there was nothing to hold him back now.

when the setter eventually pulled away, Kiyoomi took the moment to say something: "Atsu, I've felt the same way this whole time. you're incredible, and I don't understand how I didn't see it... but now that my eyes are wide open, will you be my boyfriend?"

Atsumu was trying to hold back his wide grin.

"ya don't even have to ask that, Omi. I thought that kiss was enough to tell ya what I wanted", he teased.

Kiyoomi chuckled.

"I guess you're right."

the boyfriends shared a long embrace, wanting to hold each other until the end of times.

they were beyond happy, their hearts were full, and they were two halves joined together, at last. they enjoyed having the other one so close. it was like they had always been close at heart without realizing it, and now they were finally close physically.

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