I missed you

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the exhausted germaphobe was walking back to his room. with his hands in his pockets, a mask covering most of his face, and headphones on, he looked unapproachable.

but he didn't care. the only people he felt like he needed in his life were his immediate family, cousin and a certain unnatural blonde. he didn't feel the need to please anyone else.

finally he reached the familiar door, laying his hand on the handle before realizing the room would be empty.

the whole day he had been looking forward to getting back to his room, but for what? there was no warm smile to greet him. no sparkling eyes staring deep into his soul. the familiar presence, which seemed to always recharge the boy's energy, wasn't there today.

Kiyoomi opened the door, his eyes automatically shooting at the empty bed his roommate should be sitting on. there was no "Omi! ya came back!" or "how was yer day?" or the phrase he longed to hear the most...

"I missed ya."

a long sigh was let out as the door clicked.

the curly head took his mask off, but wasn't bothered to turn off the music. he didn't want to listen to the silence in the room; that would only remind him of what was missing.

he hadn't seen the usually cheery blonde in 10 hours. and the version he saw in the morning wasn't smiling, but clearly anxious.

he missed the smile that shone as bright as the sun already; how was he supposed to get through the whole weekend without Atsumu?

《 ☆ 》

the next 48 hours were painfully long for the lonely boy. it was almost 8 p.m. already and Atsumu had mentioned he'd be back around 6.

Kiyoomi had been getting progressively more restless as time passed. by now he was pacing around the room, trying not to think about the awful possibilities flooding his mind.

he couldn't take it anymore. he grabbed his headphones and a mask, leaving the institute eventhough it was raining.

the rain wasn't heavy, nor was it disgusting to the germaphobe. he loved watching and listening to the rain, and didn't mind walking in it either.

slowly his mind got quiet. his ears were filled with his favorite songs as the cold raindrops hit his face.

he took off the face mask, folding it neatly into his pocket. he breathed in the humid air, finally being able to relax for a moment.

it was surprisingly difficult being away from his bestfriend, though he didn't think much of it. he shook it off as just being attached to someone for the first time. the two had grown close surprisingly fast, but they had been living apart, so now when they suddenly spend every single day together, it was only natural to become fixated on that warm presence of the other. 

after half an hour, the wing spiker started heading back to his dorm. he hoped to walk in and see the familiar setter there.

it turned out to be nothing but wishful thinking.

Kiyoomi stood there, once again staring at the empty room. he sat down at the desk, still wearing his now damp hoodie.

the panic couldn't be helped anymore. Atsumu had planned to start driving back after 4 p.m., and the drive should've lasted for only 2 hours...

so where was he? the time was half over 8 by now and there was no sign of the blonde. not even a single text to let his friend know of a delay.

what if something had happened on the way? what if he was lying unconscious somewhere right now? what if he was badly hurt...

what if...


he had to be okay.

he wouldn't leave Kiyoomi alone in this world.

they had promised to stay by each other's sides year after year...

《 ☆ 》

Atsumu swung the door open, but he wasn't prepared for what was waiting for him. he saw his roommate sitting on the floor, with his back against one of the beds. Kiyoomi was holding his knees and rocking himself side to side.

"Omi-Om-" the voice broke before it could fully call out to the other one.

the blonde immediately knew his friend was in the middle of a panic attack. but what had caused it? his mind started shooting around possible triggers. had someone touched him?

he brushed his hand against the arm of the panicked boy, careful not to startle him too much. the black eyes shot to the hazel ones, but they were widened from the panic attack and the boy couldn't register much.

Atsumu sat down next to the black haired boy, taking his hand and squeezing it before holding his other hand up to Kiyoomi's cheek and pressing their foreheads against each other.

"It's okay, Omi, I'm here with ya now. ya are not alone, ya never will be. I'm right there with ya, even if ya can't see me", the blonde assured, closing his eyes.

he could feel the wing spiker start to match his breathing, calming down little by little.

"I-I", a trembling voice escaped the dry lips, "you were late... and I was thinking of reasons... and I... I spiraled."

the black haired boy felt a tear roll down, unsure of whether it was out of relief or something else. he felt a pair of arms wrap around him tightly. he was pulled into an embrace, his exhausted body immediately giving in and hanging his head on the other's shoulder.

"I'm sorry to worry ya, Omi... the truth is I had to go back to the house before I could drive back to ya. ma had forgotten something important 'n yeah... I was caught by that man. he was boilin' with anger 'n, surprise surprise, got in a few punches."

finally Kiyoomi's eyes could focus on the face in front of him. his eyes widened again as he saw the bruises and cuts on Atsumu's face.

"it looks worse than it is, I swear", the blonde chuckled.

without saying a word, the curly head stood up, still holding the cold hand in his. he looked down at the hazel eyes and finally muttered: "come on, I'm treating your wounds."

a lot of disinfectant, cotton pads, and wincing later, Kiyoomi pulled the shirtless Atsumu into a tight hug, careful not to apply pressure on the sore spots on his skin.

"I was scared you'd come home like this", he whispered, barely loud enough for it to be heard.

"I didn't mean to fulfill yer fears, sorry..."

"dummy, it's not your fault this happened. I'm glad it's not worse than what I could take care of."

soft smiles crept on their faces along with the comfortable silence forming between them.

the silence got broken by the blonde: "we're all safe and in one piece... ya, me and ma. that's all that matters to me right now."

two hearts were glowing, right next to each other. sadly only one of the boys recognized this feeling as romantic love.

━━━━━━━ •♬• ━━━━━━━

mwahaha I'm evil >:D

guess you'll just have to keep reading to find out if Omi will ever realize the nature of his feelings...

so see you in the next one!

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