heavy body

453 15 3

the two volleyball players had begun walking back to the institute they were staying in.

the shorter boy with bleached hair was following just behind the curly headed one, as if they were holding hands and he was being pulled along gently.

Atsumu shook the image out of his head before stopping in his tracks and said: "um..."

the boy in front of him stopped and turned to look at him with his head tilted. his mouth and nose were now covered by a mask, but Atsumu could see the pair of eyes scanning his face curiously.

Atsumu looked down at the tips of his shoes. why was he so nervous? he only wanted to stay in contact with his friend.

the boy took his phone out of his pocket and continued speaking: "I don't have yer number... but ya said I could tell ya anythin' at anytime, so..."

Atsumu felt his cheeks warm up, and he couldn't look up at the dark boy yet. his mind flashed an image of the adorable smile Kiyoomi had shown him just moments before.

what was this feeling..?

"so, are you ready?" the smooth voice broke through the thoughts filling Atsumu's head.

"huh?" the boy finally lifted his head and saw Kiyoomi holding his own phone and looking at him expectingly.

the blonde struggled a little but managed to save the contact info to his phone.

the taller boy turned around and started walking again, leaving the other boy staring at his phone.

Atsumu came back to reality and caught up with Kiyoomi, grabbing his sleeve before he managed to step onto the stairs.


Atsumu was met with the black eyes that melted his heart.

"am sorry for the trouble I caused today. 'n I hope ya didn't feel the need to do anythin' that made ya uncomfortable", the blonde said as he turned his head away, out of guilt this time.

"don't worry about that, I'm glad I happened to walk by."

I'm glad,

those were words Kiyoomi hadn't said in a long time.
at the same time they were words Atsumu hadn't heard in a long while.

they both felt content, without acknowledging it.


the nickname rang in Kiyoomi's ears. he liked it; hearing it in this soft tone with Atsumu's accent... it made his heart skip a beat.

the masked boy blushed slightly, hoping it wasn't visible.

"what's with the nickname?" he blurted out in his own confusion.

"oh, sorry, I won't use it on ya anymore."

now the heart of the dark boy sank, due to recognizing disappointment in the other's voice.

before he could explain, the blonde kept talking: "so I was wonderin'... do ya think we could, uh, maybe, hang in my room for a bit longer..?"

the boy was still holding onto Kiyoomi's sleeve, but let go after not hearing a response to his question.


"sure. I'll keep you company for a bit longer."

Atsumu's eyes lit up and suddenly he was leading his secret crush up to his room.

"do you mind if we, uh, shower first?" Kiyoomi asked awkwardly, hoping he wouldn't weird out his new mutual.

"no prob! ya can go take a shower first 'n I'll tidy this place up in the mean time."

after quick showers and cleaning up, the boys sat on Atsumu's bed while their damp hairs were drying.

they both realized the other looked great straight out of the shower, but couldn't bring themselves to admit it.

Atsumu had offered to put on a mask for Kiyoomi, who just shook his head in response and said it wasn't necessary.

the selfish side inside the blonde was cheering; he would be able to see Kiyoomi's face completely.

"look, I know we haven't known for long, 'n we've only had a playful competition goin' on during this camp, but after ya saw me like that tonight, I just can't go back to the way we were", Atsumu said in a heavy tone, which alarmed his companion.

'this isn't it, right? he's not having second thoughts and cutting contact with me, is he?' was all the anxious one could hear. unconsciously he pressed his head into the palms of his hands, leaning against his legs with his elbows.

the blonde was startled: "omi- omi, what's wrong?"

hearing the nickname pulled Kiyoomi out of his anxiety. seems like it was Atsumu's turn to help him now.

after gaining eye contact with the dark boy in the dimly lit room, Atsumu kept talking: "I just wanted to say that, I feel close to ya all of a sudden.. I- no one else has seen me cry, ok? not even my brother, not since we were little anyway..."

Kiyoomi felt a wave of relief roll over him. he wanted to voice his own feelings to the blonde, who he'd become attached to, alarmingly fast. but he didn't know how, his throat felt dry suddenly and his voice was gone.

"can you... give me a minute..?" he whispered, but didn't wait for the answer as he had already locked himself into Atsumu's bathroom.

the boy looked into the mirror, seeing an unknown terrified face staring at him. when he realized it was his own face, he crouched down and let his heavy body bash against the bathroom door.

what could he do now? he didn't want to lose Atsumu, but he was still struggling with communicating.

a loud thump was heard and Atsumu shot up, rushing to the bathroom door.


no answer.

what if Atsumu had fucked it up already? he shouldn't have said those things. clearly they made Kiyoomi uncomfortable, so he should've just kept his mouth shut. the blonde didn't want to lose this new person in his life now; what he wanted was for them to have a special bond only they could share...

"please, lemme know that ya are okay", the setter begged, making his desperation clear as day, "we can pretend like I never said any of that. we can go back to the way things were before this, we can-"

his ramblings were interrupted by a bling.

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what do you think so far? I really wanted to write about how SakuAtsu would be vulnerable with each other for the first time.

things are getting angsty-ish? but this story definitely won't be angst, I could never write that HAHA

hope you're doing good and tune in for the next chapter, see you soon <3

- A.

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