take my breath away

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the first week of university had gone by in the blink of an eye, or at least that's what it felt like to Atsumu.

"Omiiiii", the blonde whined loudly, lying on his back on the bed with his feet up against the wall, "ya can't leave me alone in this damn dorm already!"

"I'm sorry Atsu, it's just for one night. I'll be back by tomorrow noon", his roommate replied from the bathroom.

the setter sighed. he felt like he was already falling behind in his weakest subjects after only a week worth of classes. though Kiyoomi did his best to help out where he could with studying.

the taller boy walked out of the bathroom, catching the hopeless one off guard. as if the sight of his perfect curls after a shower wasn't enough, the boy was wearing straight black pants and a white button-up shirt, which was fully open.

Atsumu shot into a sitting position and admired the boy in front of him while his face grew redder and redder with every spot his eyes lingered on.

"do you think you could help me style my hair..? yours always looks so nice, meanwhile I just let mine be..." the dark haired boy asked, completely oblivious of Atsumu's panic.

"of course! I'd love to do yer hair, Omi-kun~", the blonde smirked, making the wing spiker flustered.

"how formal of you to use honorifics with me", he commented as he sat down onto a chair.

the setter grinned before going to get his blow drier and plugging it into an outlet. he started drying the black curls carefully, running a comb through them at the same time.

never before had he touched Kiyoomi's hair. he never knew how much physical contact his friend was okay with, so usually the blonde never initiated anything other than hugs.

"yer curls are beautiful", Atsumu muttered under his breath.


"oh, nothin'! I was just thinkin' 'bout how lovely it must be, havin' a spring wedding 'n all..."

"well, it is cherry blossom season, and it's actually sentimentally important to my brother and his fiancée", Kiyoomi told him.

"how so?"

"you know those cliché love stories of high school sweethearts confessing to each other as cherry blossom petals fall around them? that's them", the boy explained, earning a snicker from his hairstylist.

"ya never did strike me as a romantic one, Omi", Atsumu noted as he set the hairdryer down and grabbed his own hair cream, "is it okay if I use this on yer hair?"

"yeah, sure, and I'm not... it's not that I find love repulsive or anything, I really just don't care for it."

Atsumu, now standing in front of the boy he had hidden feelings for, paused.

"ah, I see..."

for a moment he felt uneasy. his wishful thinking of Kiyoomi feeling the same for him felt even more like an unlikely possibility now.

he spread a little bit of cream on the thick black curls, leaving two strands of hair to frame the boy's beautiful face as he tucked the rest behind his ears.

Kiyoomi felt tingles all over his skin. it was the first time Atsumu touched him like this. hell it was the first time he let anyone touch him like this. he looked up at the boy who held his heart, but was met with a troubled expression.

"what's on your mind..?" the dark haired boy asked out of concern.

the blonde shook his head and took a step back, now smiling.

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