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the pair had finally made it to the restaurant where they were supposed to dine with Kiyoomi's parents.

despite meeting Mr. and Mrs. Sakusa a few times before, Atsumu was nervous. as any reasonable guy crushing on their bestfriend, he wanted the parents to love him.

even if Kiyoomi's relationships with his father and mother weren't the closest, he still valued their opinion like no one else's. he wanted them to be proud of him, just like any other young adult.

the two made their way over to a table with a greyish black haired couple, who stood up to greet them. Kiyoomi kissed his mother's cheeks politely and his father patted him on the back. Mrs. Sakusa gave Atsumu a quick hug before he shook hands with Mr. Sakusa.

the quartet sat down and started gazing through the restaurant's menu while maintaining small talk. after placing their orders, the blonde boy excused himself and walked to the washroom.

with her son's friend gone, Mrs. Sakusa asked: "so, Kiyoomi, tell us... are you seeing anyone?"

Kiyoomi could see anticipation in both of his parent's eyes.

"no, I am not", he replied dryly, not wanting to show much emotion as he didn't really care for romance.

"so there's no one special in your life?" his mother questioned.

the boy shook his head before saying: "I didn't say that. I'm just not looking to date."

his mother sighed, showing a polite smile afterwards.

"sorry, Kiyoomi, we don't mean to pressure you... we're just a bit worried since you haven't shown interest in anyone yet."

the boy thought about those words for a moment. as someone who dislikes most people, it didn't feel natural being romantically interested in a person.

what does being interested in someone even mean? wanting to know anything and everything about them? craving their presence? wanting to see them smile and laugh?

the black eyes looked over to the restrooms unconciously, only to notice a certain blonde heading back.

no, Kiyoomi didn't think he had felt that way about anyone yet. but that only meant he was oblivious to what was right in front of him, between his bestfriend and him.

《 ☆ 》

after supper, the two friends headed back to their hotel. it was fairly late by now and Atsumu was feeling a bit lightheaded due to Mr. Sakusa convincing him to drink a few glasses of wine. he wasn't drunk per say, he was able to walk just fine, but he still felt the alcohol in his head.

Kiyoomi opened the door once again, letting his friend in first as he hung the do not disturb sign on the door's handle to prevent cleaners from coming by early in the morning.

as he closed the door behind him, he looked up to see the setter pull his loose linen shirt off. the fabric rubbed against the blonde hair, messing up its styling.

Kiyoomi stood there, watching silently and ignoring the burning feeling inside him. what was this sensation? what was Atsumu doing to him?

suddenly his gaze was met with the warm hazel eyes and a confident grin, resembling a smirk.

"enjoyin' the show?"

Atsumu's tone sounded flirtier than he intended, catching the black haired boy off-guard. both their faces were warm, but the blush was hidden behind a face mask.

"huh? are you drunk after all?" a sharp tone echoed through the room.

the older boy could feel a piercing pain in his chest. those words sounded colder than he expected. of course he wasn't expecting a flirt back, but this wasn't what he expected either.

"ah, sorry, am not drunk. 'twas just a bad joke, sorry."

now the younger boy felt guilty. he didn't mean to make his friend feel apologetic. and maybe he did like what he saw in front of him just a minute or two ago...

"I'll get outta yer hair and go to bed", the sad voice suggested before the boy was already lying in bed.

Kiyoomi quickly changed into something comfortable he could sleep in before lying down beside the one he hurt unintentionally. he moved closer, pressing a hand against the back that was turned to him.

"Atsu, I'm sorry I sounded so harsh. I swear it wasn't my intention."

a sniffle was heard.

"I'm so stupid, Omi... I can't believe I let yer words get to me like this. it shouldn't matter."

the sniffling boy felt warmth press against his back as a pair of arms wrapped around him.

"that's okay, your words matter to me too", a soft voice spoke near Atsumu's ear.

the boy didn't feel sad anymore. his heart was beating fast, his face was burning bright... he had always wanted to be held like this by none other than the boy he loved, the boy who was right there, right now.

he wanted to turn his head and place a soft kiss on the pale cheek that was only inches away from his own. oh how he wished to be able to do that. but they weren't dating, Kiyoomi wasn't his boyfriend.

boyfriend... that was the first time Atsumu had linked that word to the black haired boy.

during that night, before drifting off to sleep, the boy with a heart full of love made a plan for how he would confess his feelings.

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and here's the other chapter I promised to release at the same time c:

I think there's one more chapter for me to write and then I just need to publish them all haha

hope you guys are enjoying this story <3

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