
349 13 2

3 ½ months ago

it was finally the winter holidays and the new year was just around the corner as well.

Atsumu was excited. he hadn't seen Kiyoomi in a couple months now. somedays were harder than others, and on those days the boy would've done anything to see his favorite person.

but luckily they would be reunited soon. Atsumu's twin wanted to throw a little gathering together to celebrate New Year's. the twins had invited their teammate Rintarō Suna and old teammate Michinari Akagi along with their good friends Kiyoomi Sakusa and Motoya Komori from Itachiyama.

Rintarō had offered to host everyone at his parents' lakehouse, so the group could spend a couple days together.

Atsumu was pacing around his room, wondering what to take with him. the twins would be leaving soon to go help Rintarō get everything ready for the evening.

《 ☆ 》

the four Inarizaki players were sitting together in the living room, waiting for Itachiyama's ace and libero to arrive.

"maybe they got lost?" Michinari suggested.

Atsumu glanced at his phone to see a message from Kiyoomi.

"nah, they'll be here in 5, accordin' to the navigator", the setter told his teammates.

"how do you know..?" the oldest of the bunch raised his eyebrow.

before Atsumu could even open his mouth, the other Miya twin started talking: "remember Itachiyama's ace? he's like Tsumu's new bestie or sumthin'."

"yep, we know what that's code for... our little romantic has a crush", Rintarō chimed in, making the other two laugh.

Atsumu crossed his arms and snarled: "ha ha, very funny."

soon a light knock was heard on the door.

Atsumu shot up and his brother said: "go on~ go let yer loverboy in~."

"SAMU!" the blonde yelled, clearly irritated this time, "why's it okay for ya to tease me like that but I can't even make subtle hints at yer crushes, huh??"

the boy stormed off, leaving his friends feeling a little bad. he walked to the door, took a few deep breaths to collect himself and thought about the person behind the door.

he yanked the door open as he exclaimed: "OMIII!"

to his surprise there was a slightly shorter brunette standing at the doorstep.

"oh! Motoya! 'sup dude?" Atsumu grinned, pretending like he wasn't just seconds ago excited about seeing another person.

the libero snickered, knowing full well that his cousin was secretly just as excited to see the cute setter. it's not that Kiyoomi would talk about Atsumu often, that wasn't like him, but when he was mentioned, it was like the introvert's whole mood shifted.

"don't worry, Kiyo's just grabbing his bags from the car."

the blonde smiled awkwardly as he let the other guy past him into the house. he glanced to the direction of the cars and saw a masked figure approaching.

he couldn't contain his excitement anymore and ran outside to hug his friend tightly.

Kiyoomi was startled by the squeeze around his arms as he couldn't hug the boy back.

"I missed ya so much, Omi! I'm so glad to see ya again!" the blonde said with his chin rested on the ace's shoulder.

"good to see you too", the curly haired boy chuckled, "but can I bring the bags inside?"

"of course! I'll help ya!" the excited boy let go and grabbed one of the bags Kiyoomi was holding.

the two headed upstairs and the older opened one of the bedroom doors.

"here's yer room. I deep cleaned it for ya earlier, so I hope it's okay."

Atsumu looked into the widened black eyes staring at him in what seemed like shock. this was the first time someone had gone to these lengths to make sure the germaphobe was comfortable.

the speechless ace walked into the room and set his bag down before inspecting his surroundings. he was amazed by how thoroughly the room had been cleaned.

he turned to look at the setter, who was waiting for a sign of approval, and nodded.

"this is great, Atsumu, thank you."

the boys smiled at each other before heading back downstairs to join the rest. Kiyoomi stared at the blonde head hopping the stairs down before him. he felt lucky, and grateful, to have found a friend like Atsumu Miya.

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still not quite in the current time but we'll get there soon, I promise :D

I just really wanna bring out some important moments in their relationship before we can get to developing it even further c;

take care! bye <3

- A.

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