Ch. 10: Family project

Start from the beginning

More gowns are heard as I step up to the board, writing down the due date and the plan for it.

"Each of you will do a project on your own family history. It can be about anything as long as it deals with a significant part of your family's history, okay?"

More groans sound as I step away from the board. I smile as I walk to the podium, looking out at all my students.

"Maybe ask a grandmother or an aunt...maybe your mother or great uncle..."

More groans sound as they read over the criteria's on the paper.

"Nice chat, as always." I joke as I sit down, grabbing a stack of papers to go through. "You may work on any late work today, but tomorrow I want you all to have something, okay?"




A few students answer followed by more groans. I shake my head as I grab a pen, starting to grade the papers.


It's after dark, I'm going to my moms house with Angel. I've been wanting to introduce them for the last few days, but never had the time.

It's about eight o'clock, both of us carrying over night bags so we can stay the night. Mom knows we're coming as she's the one who planned it.

When I told her about Angel, she was surprised. She got excited and asked if we could come over tonight and have a movie night, watching a few of her favorite family movies.

As I unlock the door, stepping in, I see a person moving down the stairs. I sense that it's neither my brother nor my mom. I push Angel behind me as I step back, waiting for the intruder to get down the stairs.

I exhale a breath when I see Derek come into the light, a surprised look on his face as he sees me.

"What're you doing here?"

"Uh-Scott needed help with something..."

"From you?" I cross my arms as I hear Scott coming down the stares.

"Ana? What're you doing here?" He asks as he sees me.

" wanted to have a movie night." I look at him, then back at Derek. "What's going on here?"

"Oh-uh" he looks at Derek, trying to find a good enough excuse. "He was-uh helping me..."

"With what?"

"Who's that?" Derek cuts us off, looking at Angel with a knowing look.

"None of your business. Now. What were you doing here?"

"Helping Scott..."

"With. What." I stare him down, my eyes narrowed at him.

"My anger." My head snaps to Scott, seeing him struggling to keep his heart beat down. "I've been angry a lot lately...he's been helping me."

I stare him down. Scott gulps as he looks from me to Derek.

"You better not be lying..."

"I'm not!"

I watch him for a moment, seeing him fiddling with his hands. After a moment, I look back at Derek, finding him looking at Angel still.

"You. Go." He looks at me, before nodding and walking out the door.

"Now...where's mom?"

"Right here! Sorry! Took me awhile to get out."

She rushes in from the kitchen, coming in from the back door. She's still in her scrubs, her hair a mess. She stops as she sees Angel.

"Hi! Is this him?" She asks me as she steps up, crouching down to talk to him.

"Yeah...I'm going to sign papers tomorrow..."

"My names Melissa...I'm Ana's mom..."


He backs more behind me as he looks at her. She gets up, grabbing a container of cookies.

"These aren't homemade...I haven't had the chance to make any...but."

She opens it to reveal chocolate chip m&m cookies. A smile makes its way onto Angel's face as he inches closer, wanting a cookie.

"Soooo...what're we watching?"



If Ana didn't know any better, she would have already called the police over Derek being a predator to underage kids....

Drink water!!!!!

-the author

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