Chapter 19- Slow Recovery

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Minutes turn to hours turn to days turn to weeks. My parents come and visit me about three to four times a week. Apparently they did even less when I wasn't awake. Am I really not that wanted? No. I'm wanted. I have to be. Darion came here everyday for four months straight just to see me. He even sang to me. He wants me. I'm important to him. I mean, who needs Heather and Matthew anyway? Who needs parents? Not me!

After about a week of monitoring me in my bed, they finally let me get up and move around, of course, while remaining in the hospital. I have to travel in a wheelchair though. Apparently I suffered a spinal cord injury during the accident, and it's gonna take some time to heal. I go to sessions every day to help me regain balance. I'm no expert of course, but from what I understood, I was in a coma for about four months. Four months. It was only October, the end of it rather, from what I remember. Meaning that it's February now. Three more months of school. I've missed four months of school. They're going to fail me, I'm going to have to retake Freshman year, I--

"Fleur? I'm coming in." Darion says in his recognizable tone. I shift in my bed though it's hard. I've gained very little control of my legs, but I'm getting there.

"Hey!" I wave.

"Hey. You okay? You seem in pain."

"Just my legs again. Oh, the doctors think I'm going to be healed up and able to walk for the most part within the next two to three months. Crazy right? Oh, and Ms. Ramos said I get to go back to school this upcoming week since I can sort of walk with crutches." I spur out.

"Wow... that's... amazing. I didn't think you would heal so fast."

"People don't say I have a strong body for nothing."

"Mhm... sure. That's definitely what they say."

"It is!"

"Mhm, I believe you. Oh I believe you alright."

"Liar." I stick out my tongue.

"Next time you do that, I'll kiss you." He threatens, or at least, tries to.

"Then do it." I stick my tongue out again. Darion springs from the soft pink chair and places his hand on my jaw softly.

"Can I?" he asks, staring into my eyes, glancing down at my lips every once in a while. I nod. He hesitates for a second, and then the world feels like it's exploding. The weight lifts from my shoulders, the world splits in two, sparks fly. He's kissing me. Soft, gentle, passionate. I can feel him lingering as he tries to pull away. He finally does, face the same color as the first stripe in the traditional rainbow. He plops back down in the chair and pulls out his phone.

"Wanna listen?" he asks, offering me a headphone.

"Sure, why not? After all, you did sing to me everyday for four months. Who knew you had that much commitment?" I laugh, accepting his offer.

"You heard that?" he asks.

"I think. I mean, I heard your voice singing. You did sing to me, right?"

"I mean, yeah. Every. Single. Day. But still, I'm shocked. And also, I have an amazing commitment to things that need it or deserve it."

"Are you saying I need commitment?"

"I'm saying you deserve it. After all, why wouldn't I be committed to someone who makes me feel."


"Feeling. Just... makes me feel feelings. Nothing and everything. One and all." He laughs, music beginning to thump through his head phones. I smile, relaxing. Neither of us talk as we sit, listening to music and simply being. At one point, he links his fingers with mine. Instead of pulling away as I normally would, I hold on for dear life. I'm scared. I hate to admit it, but I'm scared. I don't want to lose him. I can't lose him. In truth, he's the only one that makes me... feel.

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