Wow, that was surprisingly easy.

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Philza looked around, he covered all of them with his wings just as he felt someone coming to land a hit on them, Philza pushed his wings out and make the surrounding area fly away. 

Though he wasn't expecting it some crows started to appear and peck away at the opponents. 

Thanks to their weird properties to just disable quirks, the birds just had a great time feeling as if they were gods straight out of the skys, which they were but not really gods. 

"KKEKEKEEKKEKEKEKE" some birds laughed amongst themselves, this one occurrence near Philza triggered something in their little baby brains. It was the idea that 'hey, if we can do this to these people why not the rest?'

A phew crows that lost the competitions had come along to go bully some random children/adults. It was one of the best ideas they've ever come up with. 

Just like that, everyone they just saw was senselessly attacked with no hope of being saved from the very aggressive looking crows with different hats. Another person's misfortune is Philza's fortune, in other words. Time to abuse the freedom they all have gained by just one crow deciding to attack and since everyone shared similar brains, a much of dark fog appeared next to a whole lot of bees. 

It was a massacre no one expected to see on a hero license exam day. Though it looked painful, at least it was entertaining. 


Techno, Wilbur, and Niki were staring at the screen. 




these teenagers were screaming at the screen, and soon enough Tommy came along with Tubbo and Ranboo and started doing the same thing. The other people were just awkwardly looking their way. 

Techno was laughing at how stupid everyone seemed to be. Their faces one how confused they are about why their precious little quirks weren't working on a few bees and crows. Wilbur was waiting for the camera to pan to that one other angry blonde child that tried to attack Tommy. 

"I NEED SNACKS!" Wilbur yelled, he got up and took what he could on the table. People backed away from the drug dealer-looking guy. 

"I can believe Phil is trying to help those kids and not us." Tommy huffed. 

"Tommy, you've already passed." Tubbo deadpanned. 

"Well he didn't help when we were still beating up people." Tommy retorted. 

"WE were the ones beating up people not the other way around." Ranboo explained to his friend. 

"I- uh, wh, eh, uh, Well uh, uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh................. I'm Philza's child." Tommy placed the back of his hand on his face and attempted to fall on top of Techno expecting him to catch him, like a good brother. He made a mistake, Techno may be a good brother but he likes watching people burn. Mostly him. 

"ASDFHHASDAFDS" Tommy hit his head on the ground.

Techno let a wheeze.

"TECHNO! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO CATCH ME!" the real blonde angry child screeched. 

"Instructions: unclear, I am now in three different buildings at once." the pink-haired boy with a skull mask rolled his eyes. 

"Shut UP man-" 

"Hey Tommy, you can depend on me" Sam smiled, little sparks of light appearing around him. 

"Aw, thanks Sam." Tommy's tone immedealty shifted to a nicer sound tone. 

"You can depend on me too!" Wilbur smiled. 


"Are those Chocolate strawberries?" Tommy questioned his eyes lighting up. 

"Yeah, why?—" Just like that the strawberries were gone. 

"Wilbur did I ever tell you that you're my favorite brother-" 

"You little shit" Wilbur smacked the infant at the top of his head. the drug dealer-looking guy took back his food. 

He went to watch the screen once more. The same as before, people getting absolutely recked by crows and bees. 

"Just like that, world peace." Tubbo joked. 


A/n back with the banter guys. I have like 10 fics to work on and to update please be patient. It's summer guys time to finish some shit

I also want to change the cover of the book because it looks so ugly but it kinda fits how sloppy this fic is lol. Should I can it to something even worse or do I spend like 2 hours painting a new one? 

Anyway thanks for your support and your time. Hope you enjoyed. 


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