So uh...

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"So uh... did I say something offensive?" Techno asked. Phil was also confused. 

"All for one just sounds like some heroic oath thing." Phil said, the 3 others took a sigh of relief. 

"Hmm..." Techno once again rubbed his non-existent beard. The blonde in the bucket hat laughed at his friend.

"Young boys, why were you there during the fight?"  All might asked. Phil shut Techno's mouth, just in case he was going to answer.

"WE were just exploring without paying attention to our surroundings, and suddenly we seeing a duel of some sort in front of us." Phill answered, bullshitting some parts. 

Techno moved Phil's hand out of his hand.

"Bruuuh." the pink-haired one sounded a bit annoyed. 

"I have a better explanation." Techno told Phil, with a  smug expression. The bucket hat boy sighed and allowed his son to speak. 

"So Phil and I are gods, and we came down to besto-" before the boy could finish he was thrown at the wall, cracking the poor innocent wall, another victim of Phil and Techno's absurd strength. 

"Jesus, Techno. Why do you keep claiming we're gods." Phil acted like a tired old dad, he rubbed his forehead, trying not to get a headache. The three in the room just stared at the pink-haired boy seemingly fine from being thrown at the wall. 

"But phillll." the blade whined. the boy got up, dusting himself off a bit. 

"We are not gods. Don't listen to him." Phil smiled at the group. Gran Torino felt like he was aging more. Techno opened his mouth, blade-like feathers pinned him to what remained of the walls. Techno's eyes widen, for a pretty calm boy, this was surprising. 

"..." The blonde also seemed surprised. Techno yanked himself out of the feathers. 

"Phil...?" the pink-haired boy called, it sounded serious. The temperature in the room went cold. 

"I told you so! YOU ARE A GOD AGAIN!" The monotone kid's voice pitched up, the dense atmosphere disappeared faster than Deku's dad. The man facepalmed, lifting his other hand the sharp feathers turned into a normal feathers. 

"God, what is this what dream felt like when you just kept reading donations?" Phil asked himself, the three others in the room were confused, the pink-haired one keeps saying they were gods while the other one keeps denying it. 

Techno laughed. the boy with the bucket hat sighed, he slumped down. '

"Don't listen to Techno, he can be smart when he wants to, but right now he is just annoying." The blonde-haired one with a hat told the three, Midoriya wrote that down in the notebook. The boy with pointy ears laid on the ground.

"Wait... why are we here?" Techno asked. 

"We were just talking to them about 'One for all' thing." Phil answered, rubbing his temples. The three just stared at the two, one was clearly less chaotic than the other. 

"We can't tell you, this information will leak out." All might whispered, Philza only stared at the green-haired boy, he clearly was anxious. Phil patted the boy's back. 

"It's okay, mate. Techno won't hurt ya." Phil reassured though it wasn't what the boy was anxious about. 

"Techno fix the wall." Philza ordered the boy, Techno only got up, he broke the wall more. Before all might could as him to stop, the boy pulled out something, the wall was fixed almost instantly. 

"You should've done it, since a certain SOMEONE left the door open letting something blow up my house." Philza averted his gaze, avoiding the glare from Techno. 

Phil cleared his throat,"Well, now I am curious about the One for all thing. Is it a oath of some sort?" 

"It's a power, that has been transferred down to me and now it resides in Young Midoryia." The man explained, Techno wasn't listening, he knew Phil would listen and explain it to him when he asks. 

The pinkette got a golden apple. He stared at the skeleton of a man. Techno walked over, setting down the apple on the man's hand. All might stopped responding to Phil's questions, staring at the boy's gift. It was an apple, it looked like it was made out of gold. 

"Thank you..?" the man thanked in a questioning tone.

"What's that?" Izuku asked. 

"It's a Gap, or Golden apple, from our country we use it to heal without a quirk." Philza answered before Techno could just say 'it's a creation of a god'. It's only been, what seemed like (it was more than two days since they slept through so many things but they think it's been two days), two days and Techno already has completely gone full Wilbur and gotten a god complex. 

Midoriya wrote it down somewhere in one of the pages dedicated to the newcomers in the school. The deflated man took a bite out of the apple, to his surprise it started to heal him on the 1st bite. he could feel his arm completely heal. 

"Anyway, so you were fighting that guy because he was threatening hero society?"Philza recapped. 

"Yes young man." the man confirmed, Phil was older than the man, though he looks like he is currently 15, it's weird to be called 'young', cause his whole brand is his age and knowledge of experiences. 

"Can I ask you two something?" All might's voice softened more, Techno looked at Philza. His friend nodded. 

"What is it?" the boy in the bucket hat asked. 

"Help teach young Midoryia." the man bluntly stated, two birds appeared in the room, one had a beanie.. 

"PHIL! DAD! EEEE HELP WE ARE FALLING! HEEELEP COERDODS ARE XXXXXXXX HURrRYRR " it screeched, Techno stared at the crow, realizing that it was Wilbur's. 

"OFCOUSE! WE WILL TRAIN BROCILI HEAD! TRAINING STARTS NOW!" Philza stumbled on his words and grabbed the green-haired boy and bolted it down the hall and to the cords where Wilbur said he was falling down. Techno ran after, not wanting to stay there socializing with these people. 


Class 1-A was just about to start sparring, they saw something approaching fast. 

The class was pulled away from where the thing was going to crash, but before the thing could hit the ground, Midoryia appeared. He was being held like a bedsheet. they acted fast, digging a hole instantly and putting water into it. 

The thing fell from fell into the water, they should've died if they dropped from that height but instead they looked unharmed. The boy crawled out of the water, Techno walked over offering him a hand.

"TECHNO!? WHY DO YOU LOOK 15!?" The boy asked, he screamed, the students looked at him, they could understand him a bit, since they took English, but his accent seemed to be messing them up a bit.

What is going on!?


(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ thank you for the reads everyone. 

I appreciate it all! this is my 2nd fanfic. 

This is more like a crackfic than a fanfic, but it doesn't matter. 

≧◡≦ thank you for the nice comments, I appreciate them!

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