phase 2 chapter 4: the mystery of max Eisenhardt

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Riri was barely conscious, her vision, blurry. However she was able to catch a glimpse of s sign that read . . .

Charles Xavior school for gifted youngsters.

She then woke up in what seemed like a dorm room. She looked out the window seeing a nice garden on the grounds below. She looked down at the mysterious shirt she was now wearing. It had a picture of a mask that looked like Peter's. But like a cheap knockoff.

She left the room and started walking down the long hallway, whispering Peter's name.

She rounded a corner after which she pumped into someone who was clearly human but had the skin an ovocado.

He tried calming her down. A startled riri then started running down the hallway. She ran through a large corridor and ran into a large corridor where she then ran into a dining area. There she saw Peter eating pizza with a giant metal man.

"Peter c'mon we have to get outta here." Riri panicked and started running towards peter. However Peter wasn't phased at all by her concerns. "Whoa whoa calm down, we're fine. These guys rescued us when the bank was being robbed." Peter explained.

Riri then looked over to the giant metal person. "And your are?"

"My name is colossus, I help run the school for gifted youngsters."

"But who were those two people who rescued us?" Riri asked not remembering colossus anywhere when the bank fight happened.

"You weren't rescued by me, you were rescued by two of hour members."

Colossus was interrupted by the same man riri saw just 3 minutes ago burst through the door. "You better have saved that olive pizza colossus." The man said walking over to the table. "And you must be riri."

"Yes, how do you know that?" Riri looked up at him.

"Oh that's because I read the script. Wade wilson, people call me deadpool."

Riri shook wades hand. After which two other girls walked in, one had short hair and the other had long purple hair.

"Hey I remember you from the bank robbery, wait what's your name again?" Peter asked the girl.

"Negasonic teenage warhead. And thats my girlfriend yukio. She's not much of a talker." The girl said before stuffing a chicken nugget in her mouth.

"Now that we have introductions put of the way, we need your help finding our friend. She was taken at the bank.

Colossus put a hand on riris shoulder calming her down. "Don't worry, we'll help you find your friend as soon as possible." Colossus said. Wade then showed everyone a gun that he found at the bank. Everyone's eyes except riri and peter widened when it said property of max Eisenhardt on the magazine. Colossus quickly took peter and riri down to the basement level where the kept archives on unsolved cases regarding mutants.

"So who is this max Eisenhardt guy?" Peter asked. Colossus started typing on a computer pulling up an archived news paper article with a title that read:

Mutant known as magneto terrorizes Europe after awakening from freezing slumber.

Colossus then began explaining "Max Eisenhardt was just a normal man until the war started, his family was in great danger and was to that they would be spared if he volunteered as a test subject for a secret project. He endured years of torture until he was eventually put into cryogenic sleep. He eventually awoke with super human abilities and after hearing about his family dying in a bombing during the war, he became angry and bitter and began a killing spree all throughout Europe. After there were no more people connected to his family's death he went into hiding, becoming the legend known as magneto." Colossus explained.

"But if our friend was taken by this guy then we have to find him and get her back." Peter explained. After which Colossus lead them to a hanger where the X plane resided.

Negasonic, yukio, and wade hopped in the plane.

Little did juggernaut know was that he had a tracking chip still inside him when he was in prison, which unknown to him would lead the team straight to the warehouse.

Marcy woke up in a cell, the bracelets used to contact her suit were on a desk outside of it. In the middle of the room she saw two chairs facing each other, one looking like a throne, and the other looking like an electric chair.

A figure appeared in the corner of the room, floating towards the door of her cell.

"Good to finally meet you marcy, the machine is almost ready. I look forward to working with you, best wishes from magneto." Magneto then put marcy back to sleep with his telekinesis.

Mystique then walked in the room with more parts and started finishing up some last repairs to the machine.

End of phase 2 chapter 4

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