chapter 3 unexpected

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Anne and the others were getting the equipment that would help them get the man responsible for triggering her powers ready. After everything was ready, Terri started comparing the energy seen in the security footage and the x-ray of Anne's body.

"Is that everything?" Anne asked Terri before going to get some lunch for everyone. "Yeah that's everything." Terri replied going back to her research.

Anne grabbed her keys and headed toward the door but was immediately shocked to see a bunch of soldiers, no, more like agents barge in through the door.

"Hey what's happening right now? Are we under arrest?" Anne asked After getting gently pushed out of the way by the agents. "No yall are not under arrest." A man in a suit and sunglasses walked through the door and held up a badge. "Phil coulson, agent of S.H.E.I.L.D."

"And what exactly do you want?" Sasha demanded angrily. "We know you're the ones responsible for causing that Shockwave, and the ones who stopped that frog invasion 10 years ago." Phil said, catching the 3 girls off guard. "Ok so we cause that Shockwave and stopped that invasion 10 years ago, what does that have to do with you coming here?" Sasha demanded. "We believe that yall may be able to help us with a certain problem that we're having trouble dealing with." Phil replied not phased at all by sasha's yelling.

"The point is we need all of you to come with us Follow me, the jet is waiting for us." Everyone follows Phil to the jet and they take off.

Couple hours later

Eventually the jet landed on an aircraft carrier in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. "Wow, what is this place?" Marcy asked excitedly. "Everyone, welcome to the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrior, also you might wanna hang on to something." Everyone looked at Phil in confusion, and then the helicarrior began descending from the water into the air. "OMG, my sci-fi dreams are coming true." Marcy yelled in excitement.

"Now everyone please follow me inside." Phil lead everyone to the main quarters where they met the director. "At long last, I'm finally meeting you. Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and you must be Anne, correct?" "Yes" Anne responded. Now I know yall are wondering why I brought yall here. To explain it in short terms, we saw you defend earth from that invasion, all of you could be of great help to us." Fury told the group.

"Phil will escort to the laboratory, it's about time you meet the team." Fury said and Phil began leading the group to the lab. "Alright the lab is right through that door, good luck." Phil pointed to a door before walking away. Anne opened the door and walked through, revealing the team that Fury was telling them about. The group couldn't believe their eyes.

"Ah you must be the new recruits Fury was telling me about, allow me to introduce myself, I'm tony stark, you may know me from stark industries" tony said shaking everyone's hand. "Wait, like the tony stark?" Marcy squealed in excitement. "In the flesh." Tony replied. "I've read about a lot of your work. Can I call you iron man?" "No, just call me tony." Tony replied. "Anyway lemme Introduce you to the rest of the team.

"Cap, come say hello to the new recruits." Tony yelled across the room toward. The group looked over and saw the star spangled man himself sitting at a table. "And our science guy over there is bruce/the muscle." Tony teased Bruce. "It was just one time in Harlem." Bruce was quick to reply. "And then there's Natasha. Now that everyone is introduced, let's get to work, blue haired girl, Terri, am I correct?"

"Correct" Terri replied. "We could use another scientist, perhaps you could help out Bruce with studying the scepter we recovered" Anne and the others were in a brief state of shock. Bruce opened the scepters case and showed it to the group. "Yeah about that. We believe that the scepter had something to do with that Shockwave that anne caused." Terri explained to Tony and bruce. "Um how so?" Bruce asked. "We don't know yet, but it happened the exact same time the scepter arrived on earth." Terri explained even more to Bruce. Terri then hands Bruce the x-ray s of Anne's body.

"Facinating. Listen, our equipment is much more advanced, maybe we can scan her again with better results." Bruce suggested to which anne and Terri agreed. "Ok well me and Tony are gonna get the machine ready. But for now, just try and get comfortable with the team.

Tony and Bruce leave the room to prep the machine and the group starts getting used to the team. "Nice to meet you, I'm doctor Jan." "Steve rogers, nice to meet you too." Steve replied. "I've read about all the heroic things you did during the war. You were my inspiration to pursue history." Doctor Jan, told Steve with excitement. "That's the thing, they may seem like heroic acts in the history books, but some of them came with hard choices." Steve replied while looking at a locket with Peggy carter's picture.

"So, sasha and marcy I presume." Natasha walked up to the 2 girls. "Yes, and you are." "Natasha romanoff, but you can just call me Nat. So, got any special fighting skills." Natasha asked Sasha. "Give me a sword and I'm a force to reckoned with." Sasha replied with confidence.

Natasha then looked over at marcy "So, what about you, any cool abilities?" Natasha asked marcy, making her nervous. "Well, I am good with a hand mounted crossbow. I don't wanna brag but, I have a pretty good aim." Marcy said shyly." "Hm, crossbow huh, you'd get along well with Clint." "Whose Clint?" Marcy asked confused." "Oh, he's my best friend, but he's kinda under mind control from an evil being at the moment." Natasha added. "Oh really? I was mind controlled by in evil being too." "Really?" "Yeah, they put this helmet on me an then the thing like possessed my body, it's a long story." Marcy was out of breath.

Meanwhile, Anne was looking at the scepter from its display case. She knew that if she could just have a moment to herself with it, she could find out how it triggered her powers. She then slowly reached out to touch it.

Cliffhangers am I right?

End of chapter 3

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