chapter 8

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Anne's eyes closed as she watched the chitari mother ship explode and fall back through the portal.

Anne wakes up on a small floating island with a small house. She walks in knowing exactly what's gonna happen.

The stone deity in the form of domino reveals herself. "It's been a while anne boonchuy." "Whao, hold on a second, am I dead?" "No you're not dead, just in a vegetative state, a place between life and death." The stone deity explained to anne. "So why did you bring me here? Its not time to retire is it?" Anne asked nervous and confused. "No, it's just that, ten years ago, when I sent you back to the living world, I didn't quite tell you everything."

"You see, I'm not a God, but rather a member of a group of beings known as celestials. A powerful species known for creating life in the universe. I not only created the calamity stones, but also creator of the 6 infinity stones that in turn, created your universe."

Anne was shocked. "Whoa, this is a lot to take in. What do these stones have to do with me?" "That's a good question. For eons, many warriors throughout the galaxy have tried and failed at their quests to obtain all 6 stones. That's why when the time is right, you will start your journey through the universe to obtain the stones and keep them from the wrong hands."

"But how do I know when to start?" Anne asked even more confused. The stone deity just replied with "when you believe the time is right, tou choose the time to start your quest."

Before anne could ask another question she heard a roar coming from the hulk. Anne snapped awake seeing the hulk roaring and the avengers circled around her on the ground.

Timeskip to a couple hours later.

Mr and Mrs. Boonchuy were serving their last to go meal for the day. After the last customer left, the ground started shaking. They look outside to see the avengers quinjet landing outside. The team walked in.

Anne walked up to the counter. "Um table for 9 please." Anne asked, her parents were in shock. "Anne who are these people?" Mrs. Boonchuy asked still in shock. "It's a long long long story."

After the Thai dinner, the avengers went their separate ways for now. Marcy would go back to her apartment in New York and anne and Sasha would resume their normal lives until the avengers or shield needed them again.

Meanwhile in the vacuum of space:

End of phase 1

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