phase 2 chapter 1: webcomic by day

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Berlin, Germany 1939

"Max Eisenhardt, you have volunteered in our mutant training program, because of this, you and your family will be spared. In a few hours, you will be sent to our mutant training facility in Austria for training." A German official explained to max. "Well, I've been through worse, seen worse, this whole training thing will be a piece of cake."

"Hahaha, I love your enthusiasm but, it will be like nothing you've ever seen. All of a sudden, max turned around, only to be knocked out by a guard. They dragged max out of the room. Max woke up in a jet landing at the hydra base in Austria. A guard walked up to him. "Welcome to your new home max." Max then passed out again.

Present day, New York city
10:00 a.m.

The alarm for 10 a.m. rang. A tired marcy woke up and began working on the next chapter of her webcomic, she promised her fans that she would have the chapter done by the end of the week. She was halfway through the chapter when she decided to stop for the day. She opened her closet where she kept her armor. She then watered her plants that she kept next to her bed. After that she headed to the comic book store where she had a part time job. After an hour of sitting at the counter a lady walks in, introduces herself as raven, and starts walking around the store. Every couple minutes, marcy would catch her looking at her, but she didn't think too much of it. Eventually, she bought a comic and an action figure and left.

Marcys shift eventually ended, she arrived back home.

11:00 p.m.

Raven was driving on a deserted road. The road was so unkept that eventually it went from concrete to just dirt and gravel. She pulled into a warehouse where she was scheduled to meet with the boss.

Raven: I tracked her down, at a comic book store sir. Just give the orders and I'll bring her in.

???: Let's not rush things just yet, keep an eye on her until further notice.

Raven: on it.

Midtown high school
8:00 a.m.

Marcy pulled into the parking lot at midtown high school. She was invited to be a guest speaker for the school's drawing class. She had some time to spare so she started watching some Anne's frog care tutorials on YouTube.

Riri met up with Peter and Ned at the cafeteria. "So, I heard marcy wu, the author of that webcomic is guest speaking in our class today. How cool is that?" Ned and Peter were just as shocked as she was. "Bro I have like a whole list of questions for her." Ned pulled put a book fair receipt with questions written on the back. "What are we here standing for let's hurry and get to class so we don't miss her." Peter says excitedly. The three teenagers start running down the hall toward the drawing room.

The teacher dims the lights and turns on the projector. Marcy opens the presentation and goes to the front of the classroom. "Hello everyone, I'm marcy wu, some of you may know me from the webcomics I illustrate. I'm here to talk about some of the wonders of drawing drawing and how it can build you the path to a career." Riri was at the edge of her seat as marcy clicked to the next slide. "The first part is passion. You need to know what genre, what type of books or comics to I wanna write." Marcy then clicked to the next slide. "The second part is being yourself. A lot of the time, people become less interested in what you write because you're just writing what they, want. Write what you want and, make your own twists, and plots, the true fans are the people who will read your story no matter what direction you go with it." Marcy finished the last slide in her presentation. "Any questions?" Marcy scoped at the ha d raised around the classroom. Riri had her hand raised high. Marcy pointed at her. "Yes, what's your question?"

"What got you into making webcomics, and drawing, and all that stuff?" Riri asked curiously. "Well, since I was a kid, I was always into that kind of stuff. It was easy for me to learn the skills of drawing and writing and all that stuff. And then I found a career out of it." Marcy replied. Riri was impressed to say the least. The bell rang and everyone went to their next class.

Marcy arrived back at her apartment and heated up some ramen. She polished her armor. Before she could fall asleep, there was a knock at the door. Before marcy could answer, an envelope was slipped under the door. She opened the door only for there to be no one in sight. Marcy pulled the letter out of the envelope. It was a letter from shield that told her to meet director fury at the coordinates listed at the bottom of the page.


Marcy was overjoyed since it had been a year since they contacted her. She went to sleep excited for tomorrow.

Mutant training facility, Austria 1939

"Welcome to your new home, right now, you all are just regular old people with normal life spans. BUT THATS ABOUT TO CHANGE. You have all been sent here because you have mutant genes, and we will draw them out. We will achieve this by putting you through the worst forms of stress imaginable."

Max watched the Warden as he explained how they will be living from now on. "The guards will escort you to your cells, the real fun begins tomorrow."

It wasn't an escort, but  more like force, as the the guards started dragging everyone, including max to their cells. Everyone got their own individual cell, max was thrown into his. Max could only sit on his bed and think about what's going to happen tomorrow.

End of chapter 1 phase 2

Author note: If you copy and paste the coordinates from marcys letter on Google maps, it'll take you to one of the locations where a marvel movie was shot.

Also, at this point in the story, Peter doesn't have his powers yet.

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