phase 2 chapter 2: agent by night

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Riri went home reflecting on what marcy said to her. She looked at the time. It was past midnight, her parents had to have been asleep by now. She snuck out her window and ran into the woods. She arrived at a clearing where a small shed resided. She went inside and turned on the light. On the wall there was a poster of iron man. The counters were crowded with power tools and empty snack bags. She pulled the tarp off, revealing the project she had been working on for the last couple months. She smiled at it as it booted up.

"Just a few more adjustments and you'll be ready

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"Just a few more adjustments and you'll be ready." Riri said powering up a drill and got to work.

Marcy arrived at the location of the coordinates. It was a small diner called randy's doughnuts. Marcy walked in and saw nick Fury and Tony stark sitting at one of the back tables. Marcy walked toward the table and sat down.

"You know why we called you here yes?" Fury asked, Tony had a just get to the point look on his face. "Because you need help with a mission." Marcy asked nervous. "No, it's because, your incharge of a mission. Have you ever heard of mutants. Humans who are born with natural powers." Fury asked not breaking eye contact. "I've read about them a little bit. What about them?" Marcy asked. "There's been mysterious things happening around Manhattan that have been traced to mutants."

"What kind of things?" Marcy was curious now. That's when Tony pulled out a tablet and began showing her charts of data collected by shield agents. "Well, there has been an increase in power outages around New York as a result of someone or something tampering with magnetic fields." Tony explained. Marcy looked at the tablet. "So where do I fit into all this?" Marcy went from curious to confused. "Well with your high experience in fighting and science, you would be the perfect fit for the job. So I'm gonna ask this once, are you in or out?" Fury now had a stern look on his face. After a second of thinking marcy responded with "I'm in." "Splendid, here's the thing though. I won't be available for the next week, and Tony leaves in 24 hours for M.I.T. for a guest speaker. So if you need anything from stark, you must contact him by then, understand?" Fury explained to marcy who nodded yes in response. Marcy left the diner, but not before getting a box of dozen doughnuts.

Peter's bus came to a stop at the new york Institute of technology, where his class was invited for a tour. He had his camera with him to take pictures for the yearbook. There were so many cool inventions that blew away peter and his classmates. "Ok everyone before our tour ends, we'll make a stop at the life science department." The tour guide said and began leading the class out of the room and down the hall.

They arrived at the life science department. Peter became amazed by a glass tanks containing genetically engineered spiders. He noticed there was one missing, but didn't thing too much of it. After ten minutes or so the tour was over. Peter began walking toward the door unaware that the missing spider crawled onto him. After crawling onto his wrist, the spider bit him. Peter shook the spider off and held his wrist in pain.

After the bell for dismissal rang, Peter ran home and crashed on his bed immediately passing out.

A couple hours later, he woke to call from Riri. "Hey what's up Riri." Peter said still half asleep. "It's finished, I finally finished the armor, call Ned and come over to my house to check it out." Riri said excitedly over the phone. "Ok we'll be there soon." Peter then hung up the phone.

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