chapter 5 loki

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Unbeknownst to the crew on the helicarrior, a jet being piloted by a team of soldiers and a mind controlled Clint. They were flying in undetected by the helicarrior's radar. It was time for their plan to be put into motion.

Anne leaves the laboratory and sneaks to the cell where loki was being kept. It was time for some answers. She walked in immediately catching his attention. He immediately stared at her evily. Before anne could start speaking, loki started the conversation.

"Oh God, not another one of you. Your not getting any answers out of me. Natasha already failed at that task." Loki taunted anne. "I'm here for a different reason. I want to know why you've come to earth? What are your motives?" Anne demanded from the god.

"Take it down a notch, so serious. But if you must know, all I plan on doing is launch a tiny little invasion and rule your planet, with the biggest iron fist." Loki's confidence in his failed plan left anne confused. "But your in a cell with no escape plan, how was your plan successful?"

Loki just laughed at the question more confident in his so called plan than ever. "You just don't get it do you? You believe you've won, but everything is slowly crumbling down around you, and when you realize it it'll be too late. That's where the big guy comes in." Loki left anne confused with this riddle of a plan.

Anne left the room trying to figure out what he met. She decided to meet back up with stark and the others at the laboratory.

Banner and stark were studying the scepter. Anne walked in the room to tell everyone what loki told her. "Everyone listen to me, loki is planning something and it involves the big guy whatever that means." Anne explained to everyone. Everyone was left confused while banner had a scared expression on his face. "Anne listen to me carefully, what does he mean by the big guy?" Banner quickly asked. "I don't know all he said was that the big guy will be his escape or something." Anne responded.

Steve and thor begin grabbing their gear believing that an attack could happen at any moment. "It's all coming together, lokis planning on releasing the hulk and bringing the whole helicarrior down all the while getting away with the tesseract." Natasha said to the group. "Well then we make sure that doesn't happen." Steve Replied as he strapped his shield to his arm. "Knowing my brother, this whole thing is probably a trap, so we need to be prepared for anything." Thor explained to the whole group.

Natasha stared at anne Sasha and marcy, and then over at stark. "I think it's time we show the new recruits their new gear." Natsaha said to stark. "Well it'd be rude to show them their gear after their first fight." Stark replied with a witty remark.

Tony and nat led the three girls to the Amory where their new gear was kept. "If the three of you are gonna join us in battle, you're gonna need supplies." Stark pulled out a remote that opened three closets revealing three separate sets of gear for each girl.

For Sasha, 2 electronic taser swords and a suit of red armor with spikes on the shoulders and a cape with the toad army symbol.

For marcy, a green suit of armor with various ancient Taiwanese symbols, complete with a silver sword and a hand mounted crossbow.

And for anne, a single gold chest plate with some upgrades by Tony.

After the girls suited up in their new gear, they met with the others in a meeting room to discuss a possible counter attack to lokis so called plan.

The door to the back of the jet opened and the mind controlled Clint began aiming an explosive arrow to the wall of the helicarrior while the soldiers on board were waiting to board and free loki. Clint gets a clear shot and let's go of the arrow.

The teams discussion is interrupted when an explosion blows up the room creating a whole in the floor, taking nat, sasha, and bruce with it while everyone else os blown away to different areas.

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