chapter 4 results

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Anne began slowly reaching her hand out to touch the scepter. Her arm is gently pushed away from the scepter by a man with long blond hair and carrying an ancient looking hammer in his other hand. This caught anne off guard.

"I politely recommend that you don't touch that, we don't know what it could do to a mortal human." The man said. "And who are you?" Anne asked the man with confusion. "I'm thor the God of thunder." Thor said in his thick accent. "Well, thor, I kind of need to touch it you see, because this scepter is the reason why my powers are acting up." Anne said looking back at the scepter.

"I'm afraid it's not that easy, your going to have to wait till tony and bruce are done with running the tests. And also my brother loki may have some answers." "Sooo that guy who attacked that street in Germany is your brother?" Anne asked. "Well adopted, but yeah." Thor replied quickly.

Tony and bruce walked back in the room. "Alright Anne Follow us the machine is ready. And Terri come with us as well. We need you to point out any differences."

Anne and Terri followed Bruce and Tony. While walking to the second laboratory where the machine was, they walk past a window showing the glass cell where loki was being kept where he smiled evily at the group. Specifically banner.

They arrive at the lab and bruce escorts anne to the machine where her body would be scanned. Terri laid the original x-rays from her laboratory on a table. Tony then began the scanning process.

"Ok everything seems good, except this bluish energy in her heart. You said that it may be connected to the scepter somehow right?" Tony looked over at Terri. "Yes, Anne's powers activated around the same time the scepter arrived on earth." Terri responded. "Wait, Mr. Stark, is it possible that I somehow got new powers from this scepter?" Anne asked Tony. "No that's impossible, in order for that to happen, you would have to have come in contact with the scepter." Bruce replies to her question.

At this point Anne just wanted a definite answer to her problem.

Brief timeskip

"Ok so I examined the energy from your body and the scepter." Bruce began explaining to Anne. "It's not the same energy, but rather the scepter sensed your dormant powers and reactivated them. This is what made you cause that Shockwave." Bruce finished explaining to Anne. It took a minute for Anne to process this new found info.

Anne then went back to the other laboratory where the group was still hanging out, avoiding eye contact with loki. Even when she wasn't looking, she knew he was staring at her with that same grin on his face.

She arrived back at the lab where Sasha and marcy were already used to to the other team members. "So how'd it go?" Sasha asked Anne. "Well it turns out my calamity powers were dormant all these years and the scepter reactivated them. "Hmm so what do we do now?" Sasha asked. "You know what sash, for once in my life, I'd don't know, we'll just have to wait and see what happens."

Anne then thought of the idea of talking with loki face to face. Anne knew he had the answers, she just has to find a way to make him spill the beans.

End of chapter 4

Amphibia Extended Universeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें