chapter 7 assemble part 2

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Just a little recap, loki got his hands on some restricted objects and now has a portal with aliens coming through. A leviathan floats through And as loki watches the invasion, everyone regroups to discuss a new plan. Enough fourth wall breaks, back to the story.

Cap leads the team through the streets, Tony Flies alongside the leviathan scanning for weak points. Meanwhile thor and anne reunite everyone else on the ground. "Ok, so obviously the plan did not work, what now?" Sasha at this point was out of breath. Before cap could respond they got a transmission from Tony saying to suitup he's bringing in a party. Everyone was confused until they saw Tony round a corner with the leviathan behind him.

Banner started walking towards it while transforming into the hulk. Hulk stopped the leviathan in its tracks while Tony shot missiles at it, blowing the beast to pieces. Tony came to the ground and cap started laying out the plan. "Ok our first priority is civilians, me Sasha and nat will stay down here and evacuate any remaining citizens. Tony anne and thor, you three will clear the skies, destroy anything you see in the air. I need Barton and marcy on the roofs, let us know where we need to strike." Tony gives Clint and marcy a lift to the roof. Anne and thor begin clearing the skies. "And hulk,. . . Smash." Hulk gives an excited grin and begins jumping to the buildings, ripping apart chitari soldiers left and right.

Cap, sasha, and nat start getting surrounded by chitari. Sasha grabs her swords. Cap throws his shield bouncing off the head of one of them and then decapitating another. Using the taser feature on her swords, sasha electrocutes 3 chitari soldiers to death with ease. Nat was able to snatch away one of their staffs and used it to her advantage using its energy blaster to send them to oblivion.

Loki watches from afar and gives the order to send in the rest of the army.

Thor Flys to the top of the Chrysler building obliterating chitari soldiers with his lightning. Tony Flies through the streets blasting chitari pods. Anne fights off soldiers who were attacking inside the buildings.

Clint shoots arrows blowing up pods that fly by. Marcy is keeping an eye on the streets. A group of chitari sneak up behind them. One shoves Clint off the edge but he's able to grab the edge, stopping his fall. Marcy goes to help Clint back up, but is stopped by two of the chitari. She breaks out of their grip and kicks one to the ground, she turns around and shoots the other one in the head with her cross bow. With the distraction out of the way, she pulls barton back on the roof. "That, was impressive, where you from again?" Barton asked out of breath. "L.A." marcy responded.

Hulk goes straight for another leviathan that comes through the portal along with thor, who kill it off with ease. Cap, nat and Sasha were getting overwhelmed on the ground with more and more soldiers surrounding them. Nat looks up at the pods flying over them. She gets a boost provided by caps shield. She hijacks the pod, but begins getting tailed by loki. Barton then notices and shoots an arrow which loki catches.

And cue the cutscene

The arrow explodes sending loki flying eventually landing on the stark tower balcony. The hulk jumps up to him and bashed him through the window. Anne Flys in to assist, loki attempts to block, but is to late and anne sends one big punch to his head knocking him out for now.

The chitari are overwhelming the team, on the ground and in the skies. On the roofs marcy and Clint are out numbered, resulting in them having to retreat by jumping down and landing in one of the lower floors, leaving an explosive arrow to blow up the roof.

Anne returns to the ground almost getting sliced in the head by a startled sasha. "I don't know how much more of this I can take." Sasha took a deep breath with almost every word she said. "Well we need to keep fighting until we close the portal."

At the helicarrior, a transmission came in from the government, giving the order to send a nuclear missile to the city in order to reduce the invasion, a order which fury disagreed with. Fury informs Tony that a missle was heading toward the city.

The missile is caught by Tony who begins guiding the missile. As he guides the missle, a chitari soldier shoots at on of his flight stabilizers causing him to loose his grip of the missle.

Anne sees the missile and Flies under it, getting a tight grip and begins flying it up to the portal. Everyone watches as she successfully Flies through. As she guides the missile through, the vacuum of space, everything goes silent. All she can hear or feel are the vibrations. She sees the mother ship and sends the missile at it, blowing it up.

Anne begins feeling her body going num from the low temperature

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Anne begins feeling her body going num from the low temperature. She passes out as she slowly falls back through the portal. When she falls through the portal, she begins falling at full speed.

Hulk jumps up and catches her in the middle of the air, taking her safely back to the ground. After landing, everyone surrounds anne. Thor goes to check her pulse, but before he could, hulk roared at the group, to which anne woke up startled, wondering what happened. Anne got up. "Ok you know what, lets take tomorrow off. Anyone hungry? I know a place in L.A., best Thai food in the area." Anne said. "We have some unfinished business first." Steve announced.

Loki still at stark tower woke up surrounded by the whole team. Knowing that he lost the fight, he surrendered willingly and returned to asgard with thor, along with the tesseract.

After handing the scepter to the government, the team hopped in the jet and began the trip to L.A. for the Thai dinner of the century.

Author note: sad news for the shippers reading this story, but anne x thor is not happening. Thor is in a relationship with Jane foster and it will stay that way.

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