Poker face

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After I had locked all the windows and doors I headed to the kitchen, what else was I supposed to do? My mother figure had died to the hands of my own sister. I grabbed the bottle of whiskey from the counter and downed the whole bottle in a matter of 7 minutes, I then moved on to bottle after bottle. I heard the sound of one of the bottles breaking on the floor but I didn't bat an eye. I just fell to the floor and cried. I never got to thank her for everything. She wasnt supposed to die, not like this. I sipped the half empty bottle and coughed at the bitter taste, I heard glass break once again but this time it was from a window, my window in my room. I stand up and run to my room, bumping into every wall, pillar and almost trip on every step. I burst into the room with the bottle and knife in hand. I frown as I see the familiar face of vi, followed by caitlyn climbing up. "Why in the hell would you run off like that??" She asks as I just stare at her, I turn around without a word spoken and proceeded to the living room, I hear the two women following after me. I pause and turn back to them. "Can you guys just like leave me be? Gosh." I say while slurring every single word. I rub my temples and groan. I feel 4 arms wrap around me as I could feel caitlyns tears soaking my neck and vi holding me tightly. This action made me drop my 'tough drunk' act and breakdown. I sobbed as memories of Velma replayed over and over.
"Please don't break anything dear, you've broken enough walls and vases with those knives." The older woman says as i chuckle, she had taken me in at least four weeks ago and I can tell I've already grown on her.

She had let me throw the knives wherever I wanted considering she had the money to repair them. I aim for the wood in between the windows to test my skill but I didn't throw high enough, the knife collided with the vase containing water and flowers. I feel Velma staring at me as I run to my room. "Young lady you're going to get it when you're down here!" I hear as i lock my door.

After the two women had finally gone to sleep I decided to go to the last drop, I didnt want to be somewhere that reminded me of Velma.

-when you get there-

I push open the door and surprisingly there wasn't many people, only a couple people were sitting at the counter and.. Sevika? I approach her still a bit tipsy. I saw her eyes widen at the sight of me, I knew she didn't have her other arm, I had it. She's nothing without it, well she is but not much. I sit on the opposite side of her as I put my hands up "calm down im not here to fight." I tell the older woman with a somewhat reassuring smirk. "Then what do you want? Want to taunt me?" She asks with a scoff, I grabbed a small bag and placed it on the table gesturing for her to open it. She pulls the strings as she looks up to me, "you beat my ass a day ago now you-" "Shut it, be glad I'm not trying to murder your ass." I think she caught on that I wasn't exactly me, I drank at least five bottles of alcohol for crying out loud.

She send me a smirk as she picks up the deck of cards and shuffles them, she faces the deck towards me to cut it in half and she places the cut half on the opposite side.

Some time later...

"You're a good for nothing cheater! I never lose you must've did something!" The woman complains as I laugh at her, If I wasn't getting flushes or straights I was getting a higher card than her. I put my coins in my pocket as I stand up to leave. "I never thought id be playing with you out of all people but.. thanks I guess." I say to the woman who was still mad that she had lost so many times to me, I admit when I was dealing the cards I gave myself a pair of aces.

-back at Velmas house-

I opened the door and went straight to the couch not caring if i woke the others up, I couldn't couldn't who I was laying on but it didn't matter considering I fell asleep almost immediately.

"Y/n you're crushing us please get off." I mumble at the person speaking then quickly dozed off again.

"I'm going to beat your ass if you don't get off, we let you stay like that since night get off." Vi complains. "Fuck.. off" I say, voice raspy from all the alcohol I had consumed last night.

My eyes widen at the feeling of my ass hitting the floor. "Ow??!" I exclaim at the two women laughing at me. "You both are so.. so idiotic!" I scoff sending them a glare of disappointment. "Hey we asked nicely, or at least I did." I could tell caitlyn was referring to what vi said but I didn't care. I'm petty so, I stand up and walk behind the couch. I crouch and put my hands under it, flipping the both of them over. "What the fuck!?" I hear as I run to my room "Y/n!!" I lock the door behind me and walked to my closet. I grabbed another pair of tank tops and sweat pants, I'll wash the other pairs later.. I take off my clothes from last night- last night. Velma. I take off the dirty clothing and toss them into the pile that is just growing and slip the new clothes on.

1008 words

vi x female reader x caitlyn Where stories live. Discover now