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Lionel went to Jane and Trent, in their usual playing spot, where they hung out, played and sometimes trained together, apart from the training done in Dojo. As a child Trent was somewhat similar. Back then, he was not as tall as he was currently, but he was still a slim man who was pretty lean. His short, coarse-looking dark hair that reached to his neck and his eyes, which were small and piercing were still the same though. On the other hand, Jane was pretty similar looking to young Madelyn. Fairly tall and well-toned woman, similar pale skin, black eyes, and shaggy black hair that was long. It was clearly visible Jane was Madelyn's mother.

When Lionel arrived, he saw Jane and Trent practicing sword fighting with their wooden swords. By the time Lionel reached, Jane pushed Trent and he fell, and started crying, saying his sister is always harsh on him.

"I am not harsh on you, I intend to make you stronger Trent." Jane said.

"But your ways are harsh on little Trent." Lionel said, while going near Trent and picking him up.

"You know it as well Lionel that he is a weakling, I can't let my brother be a weakling." Jane said.

"Even I'm a weakling. Go harsh on me as well." Lionel replied.

"You are someone different Lionel. He is someone different." Jane replied.

"How come?" Lionel asked.

"Trent's an incompetent child." Jane said right in front of Trent.

"Jane! That's not the way." Lionel said with a little loud tone, trying to act angry. Hearing them, Trent ran away. "Trent! Wait!" Lionel cried to stop him but Trent ran away.

"See what you did." Lionel said and ran behind Trent.

"Why you always like my brother and not me?" Jane asked, running behind Lionel.

"I like you both, but Trent's still a child. He needs more protection than you and me. Saying these would make him feel bad." Lionel replied.

"I wish he didn't existed." Jane said slowly to herself.

"There he is." Lionel said, and ran towards Trent to catch him. "Caught you little one." Lionel exclaimed. "Where were you going? You know how much tensed we were?" Lionel asked angrily.

"To die, not that anyone cares." Trent replied.

"Hush! We care about you. That's why we both came behind. (To Jane) Right Jane?" Lionel said. Jane nodded her head. "Now no need to run away, clear?" Lionel ordered Trent.

"She came because you were coming. She didn't have come if you weren't here. I know this as this has happened every time." Trent said.

"Really? That's very bad Jane." Lionel scolded Jane.

"Not my fault for him being so weak." Jane replied.

"Jane? He's your brother ain't he? If I were in his place, would have you done the same to me?" Lionel asked.

"Never!" Jane replied promptly.

"Then apologise to him. Now." Lionel ordered.

"Fine. (To Trent) I'm really sorry for everything I did brother." Jane apologised to Trent.

"Alright sis" Trent said with a big grin on his face.

"Come lets train together Trent." Lionel said.

"If brother's there, I'll be there too." Trent said delighted.

"Alright." Jane said with a smile.

The trio went to train in their usual spot with their wooden swords. As usual, Jane defeated Lionel and Trent easily.

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