Facing the Past

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Parker and team came back to Lionel, Emmett and team. Blake and Renneth were being tied, handcuffed and chained by few soldiers.

"So you all defeated the Nemean." Parker said. Lionel nodded.

"How was it?" Parker asked with a smile.

"Gross." Lionel replied.

"What do you mean?" Parker asked.

"Let me explain." Erik said. "You see, Nemean couldn't be affected externally so Aaron proposed to attack inside. So Captain went inside, planted some explosives and bombs, and came out. He even lost balance and crashed to a nearby building."

"What!?" Parker exclaimed.

"That was because I was without my suit. If I were in my suit, I would've survived it easily." Lionel said with an expressionless face.

"But-" Parker was about to say something when Lionel cut her off, "By the way Madelyn I saw your fight. You fought well. Defeated an S+ rank Tyrant all alone. Something not even I can do as well without a team I guess."

Madelyn started blushing.

"Hey don't ignore me." Parker said.

"Anyways, I have some work to do." Lionel said and left towards Renneth and Blake.

He took out his sword and cut Renneth's and Blake's limbs.

"Take as many shifts or people as you want, no one takes their eyes off of them. (Pointing to some of the soldiers) You all, take them to one of the destroyed Tech City. It is in outskirt so even if they do something, Duadella is safe. Is that clear?" Lionel ordered.

"Yes sir!" the soldiers replied in unison.

"Tomorrow lets have a talk Renneth and Blake." Lionel said glaring at them. "We meet them tomorrow at noon, clear?" Lionel said.

"Yes sir!" everyone said in unison.

"Mark!" Lionel called out for the soldier.

"Yes sir." Mark responded.

"Come, drive me back to base." Lionel ordered.

"Alright sir." Mark replied and Lionel and Mark left. Others too deployed.

"Just in few days so much happened." Parker said. "Take a rest for tomorrow, you all need it."

"No we want to see what happens tomorrow." Erik said.

"Wouldn't it be too hectic for you all?" Parker asked with concern.

"No mam." Madelyn replied.

"As you say." Parker replied.

After reaching base, Madelyn and friends went to freshen up and decided to meet after. Thirty minutes later, they gathered in the Dining area to drink some tea. They were talking about some random stuff when Aaron's phone beeped.

"Oh great, we got the appointment." Aaron said.

"Appointment? Are you going to doctor? You need medical attention?" Erik asked.

"No. Ever since Madelyn stated about Shirogane clan, on our first mission day, I grabbed a book to learn about them. There it was stated that Shirogane clan members are under the watchful eyes of the descendant of their Shirogane Emperor, who is currently the owner of a Dojo. The author knows him." Aaron said.

"So what's your point?" Erik asked.

"In order to know more about Captain. I asked for an appointment from the author of this book, Mr. Howard Snow. He may have some details about Captain." Aaron said.

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