lavender (pt. 1)

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y/n's pov

"he's basically telling me that if i join this stupid honor's society, i'll have a better chance at getting an internship. and then he went on and on about how good it would look on a resume and i didn't have the heart to tell him i just don't give a shit abou- y/n! you're not even listening!"

i snapped my gaze back to ash, "uh- yeah, no! i mean no, i was! yeah, i heard you. the internship and the resume."

she shook her head, "it's okay, i was boring myself anyway. i understand." she slumped down on her desk. i was sitting on her bed. "this all just kinda sucks, huh? like, the responsibility of thinking about our futures?"

my eyes shifted back down to my phone and i nodded idly, "yeah, it's not the greatest thing in the world."

sal: hey, what's up? :)

"you know what?" her head flew up and i quickly tucked my phone under my leg to meet her eyes. "we're not partying enough. we were off to a good start there at the beginning but we're losing time! it's already november!"

"maybe this weekend?" my phone buzzed again under my leg.

"if my test goes well, then yes. but i've been studying all week so if my test doesn't go well ... you don't wanna see me drinking."

i pouted, "aw ash, your professor asked you to join an honor's society! you're doing fine, you're gonna be okay!"

she nodded, "you're right, i'm just so worn out already." she closed her laptop and stacked her books on top. "i guess i'm gonna go to sleep for tonight. i can't study anymore."

"okay ash," i jumped down from her bed, "i'll see you soon though, text me about your test! i'm here for you!" i gave her a stern look.

she smiled back, "alright, y/n. thanks ... i really need the support."

"always. good luck tomorrow. the weekend is near!" we waved goodbye and as soon as her door closed i dashed down to my room.

i flopped onto my bed and checked my phone. sal had been texting me in ash's room and i was trying to resist drawing attention to the notifications. 

sal: i've been kinda missing you

my heart nearly flew out of my chest.

me: really?

sal: really

sal: are you free tomorrow?

me: after 5, yeah!

sal: would you wanna do something maybe? like, a date?

a smile crept up on my face as i typed.

me: that sounds nice :)

sal: cool, pick you up at 6? :]

me: that's perfect!

sal: i cant wait to see you

i lower my phone and fell back into my pillow. my cheeks were aching from the strong smile plastered on my lips. my mind was racing, i was obviously excited to go on a date with sal but it was also my first date like ... ever. i had never been the romantic type, i was much too reserved to ever fantasize about being loved. i always watched from the side lines, cheering my friends on. and while i never minded the lack of romance, since i had met sal, i found myself becoming addicted to the warm feeling of crushing. the mix of excitement and nerves made me feel alive, like i was finally experiencing life instead of observing. the only thing i was actually worried about was how little i knew about our date. "date" was a very vague plan- it could mean anything. i stared at my ceiling mentally trying on outfit after outfit. i sighed, i actually wanted to look pretty. i consciously wanted sal to think i looked pretty.

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