alone w larry

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it was the beginning of the weekend. after a stormy week, the weather was beautiful and i decided to go out to the lake. luckily for me, this town loves the idea of public transportation so not having a car wasn't a death sentence.

i walked around the park and found a bench to sit. the view of the lake was nice from here and it was decently shaded by some autumnal trees. i made it just in time for sunset.

i put my headphones on and started to think about how much i loved this chapter of my life. how much i grow everyday here. how much happier i am here. how much more i feel like myself. it was insane to me that i did this for myself and it's actually working. i'm living my life the way i want to live it. i'm in control now.

my fixated gaze began to blur as i closed my eyes, getting lost in the music. i felt so happy i could cry.

"SHIT!" i jumped and swatted my headphones off.

standing above me was larry with the biggest smile i've ever seen.

"you asshole!" i reached out to hit him, "you scared me to death!"

he dodged my swing and began laughing uncontrollably, "yeah, you don't have to explain, i saw it."

"ugh!" i rolled my eyes and paused my music, "what are you doing here?!"

"same as you! well, except i'm not having a heart attack. may i sit?" he pointed to the empty space on the bench next to me.

i scooted over, "yeah, whatever."

"aw, come on," he bumped my shoulder with his, "i didn't mean to scare you!"

"oh, so you just got lucky?"

larry smiled and shook his head, "yeah, i guess in a way. found you, didn't i?"

i raised an eyebrow and looked out to the lake, "oookayyy ... so really, you were just here to sit too?"

"yeah, sometimes i listen to music or draw. it's a good spot." he held up a little journal.

"got any sketches?"

"eh, i just sat and listened to music today. wasn't inspired."

i nodded, "i see. so, were you about to leave?"

"yeah, the sun's about to go down." he motioned to the sky.

"oh, yeah ... i just got here but i guess i came out a little too late." i looked up to the pink and orange clouds.

"do you want a ride back?"

"uh, sure. i took the bus here."

we stood up and began waking through the park back to larry's car.

larry twirled his keys, "so, i haven't seen you in a minute. how's it going?"

"ah, you know, it's fine. kind of hating homework."

we walked up to his car, "can't relate but i feel for you. at least it's the weekend." he said before opening his door.

"ooh, new air fresher!" i read the name of the little cardboard tree hanging from his mirror. "black ice. hm, smells good."

larry laughed, "yeah, i just cleaned my car. looks brand new."

"yes. if it was 1998, it looks brand new, larry."

"oh, you're such a hater!" he shook his head, "soooo would you like me to take you back to your dorm or would you wanna hang? i think ash might be coming over later."

"oh well, in that case, would you be down to hang out?"

larry smiled, "to my place we go."

larry lives a decent way from the lake but the ride was nice. i like the scenery and larry had a good playlist.

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