14. Epilogue

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*Warning: the ending (of this book)*


Just a little bit of Jerrie ❤️

As always, I hope you enjoy 😘


Jade's POV

Perrie and I were finally a couple, but there were still a few pending issues in my mind.

Not Jordan related, though. The week after Perrie's baby shower, it had been one full of Little Mix's rehearsals, music video shooting and meetings about future promo strategies, but I still found a moment to meet with him in private; I explained to him how the misunderstanding had taken place, and apologized for that. He, for his part, admitted that he had been inspired by my words to Alex, at the brunch, and realized that a baby wouldn't have fixed our problems. Only then, we gave our relationship the pacific closure it deserved.

So, like I said, it had been a hectic week, but it happened in order to loosen up our schedule a little bit, especially for the pregnant ladies; once the Sunday arrived, we could finally take the breath we needed.

Leigh-Anne now had a chance to plan her baby shower. She promised it wasn't going to be as chaotic as Perrie's, but I'd be just exciting because she revealed to us -since she couldn't keep it to herself any longer- that she was going to give birth to two little gi- babies! How awesome is that?!

Meanwhile, Perrie and I, we packed our bags and escaped to Manchester as soon as we could, because Pez needed to solve her things with Alex as well.

Here's where I am now. In our hotel room, currently staring at the view from our – wait for it – penthouse suite.

Yes, Perrie was going to meet with the man and their lawyers, and she didn't know how long was it going to take, or how many sessions were going to be needed, so she insisted on making my experience a little less dull. Ugh, honestly... a good book would have been more than enough. But I still loved it. And her.

"I love it."

I was so deep in my own thoughts that I didn't hear her arrive 'til the moment she planted a sweet kiss in my cheek and whispered in my ear; I only came back to the present to realize that she was hugging me from behind. Not that I'm complaining though: I'm convinced her arms were made for me.

"Hey!" I greeted her, a little surprised, but it was a pleasant surprise. "Wait, what do you mean? What do you love?"

"I meant your cute little face. I could stare at it forever... but I prefer to kiss it" she replied over my shoulder, her hands still wrapped around my waist. "Yep. And I have a million reasons to do it, but first and foremost: because I can."

Her stare, her words, her kisses... she could make my heart melt into a puddle so easily.

"I didn't expect you to come back so soon."

And especially on the first day we arrived to Manchester. It was barely three in the afternoon. Not that she had to take longer, it's not like she and Alex were getting a divorce. But, you know... the baby.

"Well, after the meeting, Jones wanted for us to grab lunch" she said, mentioning her lawyer, "but I had just eaten my snack. Also, I wanted to come back to see you as soon as possible."

She kissed me after her response and parted from our hug. Then, she walked towards the suite's kitchen.

"But, why?" she continued. "Did I take too long?"

"No. Well, I missed you" I clarified to my girlfriend, which made her smile over her shoulder. "But I knew it was for the best; I'd have preferred you guys to take your time and decide carefully... even when I was gagging for you to arrive and tell me what had happened."

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