7. Whichever Road I Choose, You'll Go?

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*Warning: omg hello*

I thought I'd never have a chance to write, like I'm on holiday mood but that includes taking care of my nieces and nephew, doing lots of chores around the house and family visiting... gosh, when I tell you they DRAIN ME.

But anyway, hahahaha sorry in advance 👀... I think? I liked this chapter, but you know me, a few surprises here and there, plot twists. Drama all around...

I just hope you like it too!


Next day at noon, Leigh-Anne took a seat on her favourite bean bag chair and raised her feet, a very well-deserved break after her trip to the kitchen for some fruit salad and to feed the dogs; her fiancé had left to his training and she had the rest of the day for herself.

Even when she was in for a relaxing moment, she was glad her phone rang as soon as she got comfortable on her seat. She couldn't have survived without doing anything.

"Hi!" Leigh greeted after answering without hesitation. It was a video call from Jade.

"Hi! Are you alright?" the brunette smiled.

"I'm good, baby! Just chilling" she grinned. "What's up?"

"Good! Uuh... I need to tell you something".

The little stutter was enough for her best friend to suspect something wasn't right.

"Is it bad news?" Leigh worried.

"No! Not really..." Jade hurried to respond, but then pondered. "Well..."

"Just spit it out, babe" Leigh encouraged her. "I'm listening".

Jade breathed out before break it to her.

"I broke up with Jordan".

Leigh-Anne couldn't contain a loud gasp.


"Well, technically he dumped me".

She was now shocked, mouth agape.

"No fucking way!"

Jade nodded.

"Yes... yesterday morning".

"Wait, why would he do that?" Leigh wondered, unbelieving.

"Well... remember when I told you how Alex was annoyed because of me and Pez?"


"He was too" she simply explained.

"What a slag" Leigh let out. "-sorry".

"It's alright" she shrugged. "They kinda have reasons though".

"... uh?"

Her bandmate looked confused, to which Jade remained in silence; she bit her lips inwardly and instantly blushed.

"Jade...?" Leigh called her, reprehensive, like a mother demanding for answers.

"It's a long story... but basically, Perrie and I... had a little thing these past days" she mumbled.

"Which means...?" Leigh pressed.

"You know" she coyly mumbled. "Like... we kissed. Twice".

"Oh my God!" Leigh-Anne exclaimed, but deep inside she wasn't entirely shocked.

"Listen" Jade turned serious, "I know we did bad, but that's why I had decided I was going to pour my heart out to Jordan, you know? Cuz he had all the right to know and everything" she said. "But he didn't give me the chance; he just told me that he hoped we were happy and left before I could say a word".

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