10. The Baby Shower

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*Warning: I'm back. With everything that implies, so be careful🤣 loool I'm joking 🥰*


Disclaimer: this video has recreation and reference purposes only. I beg for your discretion 🙏🏼 thanks.

The very, very wanted next chapter of this story is here! 👀 cuz, you know, you'll finally find out what Alex wanted to say when he arrived 😬... yay!

This is fun, I think. I hope is worth the wait 🥺 hahaha

Enjoy! 🥰🤞🏻


"Alright... say it again, but slowly this time" the confused blonde requested.

"My agent knew I was coming to London today, so he called me last night and asked me to warn you" Alex repeated, patiently. His eyes going from one girl to the other. "Both of you."

The silence pretty much described the tension in the room. After the news, the girls understood the castles they've built in the air the night before had just been blown away, and they confirmed it through concerned glances that travelled back and forth across the coffee table.

It was unbelievable: one of the biggest tabloids in the UK had prepared an elaborated entry about Perrie Edwards, cheating on her footballer boyfriend and father of her baby, Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, and a very juicy story on how her lover was none other than her Geordie bandmate, Jade Thirlwall.

In a way, the women were thankful they had found out through someone they knew, instead of a viral post in the internet, but that doesn't mean the story didn't shake the floor beneath them. They were very aware of how the media loved to twist every single detail into their benefit, but the accuracy of the facts made them wonder if they had slipped something, somehow, in the past few days.

"Well, fuck" the brunette finally mumbled, her mind going a mile per hour.

Perrie shook her head, unbelieving.

"I just... I can't understand!" she said, leaning back on the sofa. "How did this happen?!"

"It's bullshit!" the man spit out, luckily unaware of the reason of the women's tension. "Aidy showed the alleged draft to me; they just took random pictures from the social media - you girls on events, during rehearsals, in and out of the studio..."

"How lovely though" Jade ironized. "Cuz, since when newspapers send rumours to the people starring on them beforehand?"

"I understand your worry. I wish that was a thing too" Alex nodded, with a gentle tone that was unusual on him, at least toward Jade. It seemed like he had empathized with her now that they were in the same tricky situation together. "Apparently, someone from the tabloid's editorial knows one of the executives of my management team" Alex explained. "So, my agency paid them to detain the press release."

"I still don't get it" Perrie insisted. "Like, isn't the whole thing defamation?"

"Not if they write it as 'assumptions' and 'rumours'... you know, using ambiguous terms to get away with it" he replied, visibly annoyed. "You know how they are: that's what they do!"

"Really?" the brunette scoffed. "And can they get away with the blackmailing as well?"

"The only thing I know is that my agent doesn't care about money, but he does about reputation, so management rather pay than dealing with silly rumours later" he stated, and sighed. "The team wasn't happy about it, but at least they stopped it."

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