2. Jade on: The Skate Rink

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*Warning: serious jerrie feels*

You asked for Jerrie, you get Jerrie. 😈 but like, this is fluff HAHAHA sowwy


Umm... so yeah, this is part 2 👀

And you see how I wrote the full last chapter with my own pov? This would be Jade's point of view of all of this sitch😌

Enjoooy! ✌🏻


Jade's POV

Perrie picked me up in the early hours to get to the first flight of the day from London to Manchester. Like she promised, she brought me coffee -which I fondly appreciated- while she opted for a cup of hot chocolate for herself, and armed like this is how we fought to stay awake on our way to the airport and in the waiting area 'til we were called to board.

So far, it had been a great morning, despite the waking-up-at-dawn part. I was glad I decided to join Perrie at the end. I love her to pieces and love spending time with her, and she seems like she doesn't mind to spend some time with me, so it's fun!

And about my remaining thoughts, about me meddling too much, they were all brushed off my head as soon as I saw her. Pez looked happy to have me there, so I didn't think it was necessary to tell her I was doubting about coming last night. After all, she was so chill about it...

"So... how was it last night?" she asked me in mid-flight.

Umm... I mean, at least I think she was chill about it.

"Uh?" I babbled, confused but starting to panic on the inside.

"Last night" she insisted. "You didn't answer my messages".

"Uhh..." oh, no. She totally knows I hesitated. She knows!

"You were with Jordan, weren't you?" she muttered, moving her great eyebrows up and down. "That's why you didn't answer".

"Ooh..." thank God. She was talking about something else... "well, he was there while I packed but not like that" I clarified. "I had to sleep early, so we didn't have time".

"Oh, alright" she nodded, and she seemed more... relieved for some reason. Maybe cuz she knew I wasn't ignoring her. "Umm... I'm not going to lie. I felt a little bad for bringing you into all of this".

... what?

"I mean, a 24h trip sounds easy, but it's actually such a hassle" she continued. "Especially considering that taking the pictures would be like... super quick".

"Oh, no, don't worry. It's fine by me" I assured her. "Unless... you think I'll be awkwardly third-wheeling".

"You mean Thirlwheeling?" she smirked, bringing back the word we made-up when I used to jump into her first dates with her ex-boyfriend, Zayn.

"Stupid nickname" I mumbled under my breath, but I chuckled. After all, I should be used to by now. "No, but don't feel bad. In fact... I have a confession too" I told her. "Last night, while you were feeling guilty for bringing me into this, I was feeling like an intruder for offering me like that yesterday..."

And I felt guilty too, but what can I do? If I can, I want to help others, especially my friends. Then, there's Perrie, my best friend. And she's also pregnant, so how not to?

"No! What? Of course not!" she hurried to reply, to my reassurance. "Don't say nonsenses! I'm so excited you accepted to come on this sort of getaway. It makes it ten times better, you know?" she smiled. "And I'm sure Alex will be busy all day, so it'd be just you and me".

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