“And never doubt Beomgyu's affection towards you. Terry is nothing to him. I can assure that. They're nothing but acquaintances that had a project to finish.” As much as Yeonjun wanted to tell Taehyun everything about Beomgyu's mission, he isn't in the position to do so.

“Thanks hyung.” He smiled before Yeonjun outstretched to gave him a pat.

Unbeknownst to Taehyun, Beomgyu felt way guiltier and embarrass to face him for the time being. He was surprised to see the younger awaits for him that he panicked. Huening didn't interrogate him which he was glad off because he didn't even wanna go to university but he knows Taehyun will skip work and get worried and he cannot afford to bother him again.

He was harsh yesterday. Mean to be exact but he couldn't turn back the time. He'll gave him some room so he could also work on himself, be better for him. He admits that he was a bit offended when Taehyun was suspicious of him being with his friend Terry that's why words came out of nowhere but it's his fault also for being dishonest.

His desire for Taehyun cannot be doubted but he really had to work on himself so he could be enough for him. Taehyun deserves genuine love, trust and honesty however he had to puzzle the pieces first before the explanation. Taehyun wouldn't like the idea of him getting Beomgyu's life at stake in their past life even if it was long done. He wanted to understand everything first hopeful that Taehyun won't get tired of him.

Classes aren't anything special today. His first class consist of discussion, next one was they had a quick activity before his break. Library is the only place he could find comfort so he ended up rushing inside to find the perfect spot away from students. He was alone until Terry once again saw him. The guy was obviously making excuses that he randomly just stumbled upon him but Beomgyu doesn't need to be aware of.

You could tell the guy might have grown a crush towards Beomgyu over period of time though he knows that the latter was already guarded by the famous Kang Taehyun in town. He is confident that he might have a tiny chance on Beomgyu despite him voicing out his sexual orientation as straight. Beomgyu was an exception to it. He wanted to get to know him further.

“You alright?” He asked snapping out of Beomgyu's dazed.

“Honestly? Not. Taehyun and I had a fight yesterday.” Beomgyu replied without stalling.

“Oh? That's bad.” He whispered. Terry was contemplating whether to ask him further or open a new topic.

“So uhm, got new info about the story you've been researching or that man named Ben?” He chooses the second one, not wanting Beomgyu to get extra gloomy.

“That. It's giving me headaches.” Beomgyu confessed letting out a loud sigh.

“I told you I'm willing to help out.” Terry replied. Beomgyu was stuck torn between actually confessing the unusual dreams or keep it to himself.

Terry can actually be a great help. He's hundred percent sure that if he can ask the guy to help him or just take him to his grandfather and ask, maybe he'll found out everything but then again, he's very scared.

He wanted to finish this off quickly, wanted to hear the whole story. Run off to tell Taehyun, probably confess after and cuddle or kiss the shit out of the younger until they ran out breath but it isn't that easy.

“Actually, Terry can I trust you with something?” Beomgyu asked visibly hesitant.

“Sure, of course.” the latter replied excitedly.

“Promise you won't laugh or judge me?” He asked. Other than his Yeonjun hyung, Beomgyu knows that he really need a hand.

“Would never.” He assured. Beomgyu swallowed hard before he spills everything. Starting from how he watched that stupid video up to what happened last night when he was asleep.

Terry was flabbergasted, left speechless after Beomgyu was finished. He wasn't fully convince on what he shared but he couldn't let Beomgyu feel bad. He remembered his grandfather after Beomgyu explain everything and he couldn't believe that it actually makes sense. There are similarities on Beomgyu's story to his gramps.

“Dang, it blown my mind.” He uttered after processing everything.

“I know it's very hard to convince but Terry I need your help. If you could ask your grandfather about them—”

“Why don't you ask him yourself?” He interrupted that had Beomgyu looking away.

“I—I'm scared.” He uttered almost like a whisper.

“About what? The truth? Isn't that what you are aiming for? Or you can't accept that Taehyun killed you?” Terry bluntly asked.

“No I— I'm scared to find out what does Terry look like. I can't—”

“What if I'm Terry? Everything makes sense. You and me meeting randomly.” Beomgyu's eyes widen in surprise by the latter's statement.

“T-Terry I... you know I like Taehyun.” Beomgyu replied giving him a confused look because he's starting to freak him out.

“But what if Taehyun's keeping us apart again like what happe—” Beomgyu raised a hand halting him.

“Stop! What are you talking about? I'm sorry but I don't care about what Taehyun did and it's on me who to choose.” Beomgyu almost raised his voice.

“Then why are you so hooked up to it? If you don't really care. Why not ignore it li—”

“Because it hurts Terry. You don't understand how much Ben suffered and I felt it so you don't have the position to tell me because if only I can... I would have done it months ago.” Beomgyu replied. He was trembling, angry at how he could easily order him to stop.

Terry's eyes soften when he sees the latter's state. He did not mean to make him angry at all. It's too much information and he doesn't know if he should believe it or not and maybe a bit hurt when Beomgyu clearly rejected him.

“I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I h-have said. Please, I was wrong. Let me make it up to you. I will ask gramps—”

“It's alright Terry. Hopefully this won't reach to anyone.” Beomgyu replied wiping a tear that almost slipped out from his eyes. This is the reason why he should have just kept it to himself.

“No please, let me help you. I believe you Gyu, I really do. I remember my grandfather telling this to us but I cannot detailed it. Please, let me make it up to you. I'll take you to him. We can ask him. I can take you there anytime. W-When you're ready.” Beomgyu was staring at him. Terry knew that he was disappointed and it was too late of him to realize how much of a jerk he was.

“I promise I won't say anything just l-let me help you.” He continued. Beomgyu didn't want any help at all from him but he couldn't deny the regrets on his eyes. He doesn't know if he should trust him or what however something's telling him he'll reach the end with this help.

“I'll think about it.” He replies before excusing himself for his next class.

To my beloved, TerryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora