Extras Part 2 !!

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I personally wanted to write a few short stories of my own <3


Ever since Ruv and I informed Sarv of our relationship, she insisted that I take her sleeping spot. I tried to tell her no, seeing as it was her home, and I could fit next to Ruv either way, but she wasn't so easily persuaded. She manually swapped all of our things, and I was forced to sleep in the same bed as Ruv.

Although I didn't mind it, seeing as we were a couple, but knowing the reason I was able to sleep next to him didn't make me the happiest. However, over the course of a few nights, I learned to accept the fact that Sarv had switched us spots. She even thanked me, because she now didn't have a bed to fall off of.

"Hey Y/N?" Ruv's voice sounded softer, and it made my face heat up a bit. Even though I had already heard him speak quietly to me before, it still made my heart flutter a bit. I nodded to him, acknowledging that he spoke. 

"You okay? You seem lost in thought." He asked. His arm was wrapped over my shoulder, and he pulled me closer. I appreciated his concern, and once he pulled me closer, I leaned my head against him.

"I'm fine." I simply replied. He nodded his head, turning his attention back to the TV. Ruv was good about not prying. I also turned my attention back to the TV, realizing that the show Ruv was watching was my favorite. I hadn't even asked him to turn it on. I guess he had either enjoyed the show, or subconsciously turned it on. 

After a few hours of us watching movies and TV shows, cuddling, and small conversation, it was now 12 am. I had almost passed out on the couch, which was what made Ruv decided it was time for us to go to sleep. I didn't want to get up, trying to tell him I didn't want to go to bed, but that only made him pick me up, and take me to bed himself. 

He gently dropped me on my side of the bed, and he allowed me to wrap myself in the blankets. He made his way to the other side of the bed, and made himself comfortable. I glanced over to my old part of the room, and saw Sarv fast asleep. She looked so peaceful. I rolled over, and faced Ruv.

He was looking at me, with a tired expression. I slowly moved closer to him, and he engulfed me in a hug. I wrapped my own arms around him the best that I could, and smiled. The new found warmth felt good in this cold room. I buried my face into his chest, and felt him place his chin on my head. 

In a short amount of time, Ruv was fast asleep. Sarv had told me ever since we switched spots, Ruv was falling asleep easier and quicker than ever. She was happy for the two of us, and even more enthusiastic about the fact that her best friend was benefitting from something she did. I was also happy. When I first started living with these two, I remembered seeing Ruv up late, every night, and he always seemed a little tired. It hurt me to seen him like that. 

My eye lids slowly shut on their own, and suddenly became rather heavy. I relaxed my body more, and melted into Ruv's touch. I let out one last deep exhale, and drifted to sleep. 


"Morning." Ruv spoke. I yawned, entering the kitchen. The fresh smell of pancakes filled the room. Ruv's cooking had been amazing lately, and I always wanted more of it. It made me happy to eat it, savoring its flavor, and Ruv was happy that I enjoyed his cooking. 

"I made pancakes." He waved a spatula in his hand. I waved back to him, a small smile forming on my face.

"I can tell. You can smell their fantastic aroma from the bedroom." I responded. He looked directly into my eyes, and tried to smile. I knew his facial muscles wouldn't allow him to smile, and if he tried, it hurt. I walked over to him, and he dropped his smile. I reached up, cupping his face in my hand.

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