Chapter 8

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I heard light whispering as I regained consciousness. I kept my eyes shut, refusing to wake up just yet. Sleep always felt nice, even if someone preferred to stay up later. It always allowed you to calm yourself, and start over physically, and a bit mentally.

I refocused back on the light whispering in the room. I held my eye lids shut tighter, and curled up a bit to myself. I heard someone lightly squeal after I did so, and I assumed they were reacting to me. I frowned a bit, and started to open my eyes.

I was met with a happy and hypnotized Sarvente. Ruv stood beside her, with a more relaxed expression that usual. He still held his iconic frown though. An odd feeling sat in my stomach as I continued to lay there.

"Morning?.." I quietly spoke. My voice was raspier considering I had just woke up. Sarv's brows raised, clearly surprised, as she heard my morning greeting. She turned to Ruv, and he furrowed his brows.

"You could at least reply back Sarv." He joked a bit. Sarv frantically looked back to me, and smiled, furrowing her brows. "Morning Y/N!" She spoke cheerfully. I sat up from my laying position, and crossed my legs over the end of the couch.

"I'm going to go make breakfast. Call my name if you need me!" Sarv dashed out of the room, leaving Ruv with me. Ruv watched Sarv completely leave the room, before turning to me once the click of her heels was gone. He faced me, with his eyebrows furrowed in displeasure.

"Can I have my hat back now.." I immediately reached to the top of my head, and gripped onto the soft yet old surface of Ruv's Ushanka. Now that I looked at the man, his hat wasn't a top his head, clearly on mine. He had blueish-ashy gray hair, and it was extremely fluffy looking, yet messy.

Ruv snapped his fingers in front of my face, and I flinched. I blinked a few times, before pulling the hat off of my head, placing it in Ruv's hand. He held onto it with a firm grasp, and dropped it on his head, then fixing it to his liking. I flattened my H/L hair, and Ruv stuffed his hands into his pockets, watching me.

Once my hair was returned to its cleaner state, I placed my hands on my knees. I rocked back and forth, with nothing to do other than wait for Sarv to finish breakfast. The awkward silence grew larger each passing second, and I was starting to get annoyed with it. I sighed, and looked up to Ruv.

He stared off at the kitchen door, clearly in deep thought. His facial expression didn't change at all, and he would have looked like a statue, if it weren't for the visible rising and falling of his chest. 

"Hey Ruv.." I started. The man slowly turned to me, with a brow raised. His expression relaxed, and he slumped over a bit. His hands were fiddling with themselves in his pockets, as he looked down at me. I could also hear the tap of his impatient foot.

"Why do you never smile?" Curiosity  got the better of me. I could see Ruv's expression fill with annoyance. He sighed, and pinched the brow of his nose, showing more annoyance. I frowned, and my lip quivered. I looked down, regretting asking the question, since he seemed to bothered by it.

"Sor-" I was cut off. "No need to apologize. It's not anything that revolves around trauma, the question was just out of the blue, and you don't just randomly ask people questions like that." Ruv's hand fell to his side, and stayed there, dangling loosely. I looked back up to him.

"Some of the muscles in my face don't work correctly. Whenever I smile, it hurts." Ruv's expression returned to a neutral look. There was no more explaining to do. A simple explanation was enough for this man. Even Sarvente had said "he's a simple and boring man."

No surprise though, someone expressing themselves through blacks, whites, and grays would typically be simple. Stereotypical much? Indeed.

Sarv yelped from the kitchen, and both me and Ruv turned to the noise. I stood up quickly, and ran into the kitchen, Ruv following behind me quickly, even though he was just walking. Once we reached the kitchen's door, we heard a "I'm fine!" from the other side. Ruv and I both let out a sigh of relief, and looked at each other. 

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