Chapter 23

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"Hey Y/N! It's been a while since we last talked. I'm glad you're not dead. I was extremely worried, and I never forgot about you. About this invitation, I'd love to attend! I'll be there."

I read his text out loud to myself, and an extreme emotion of joy flooded over me. He really didn't forget about me, and even better, he'd be at the party. I quickly started replying to him, and starting a conversation. It had been forever since talked.

"Ron! I'm glad you'll be attending! I'm excited to see you there. It's been forever since we last talked. I'm glad you didn't forget about me."

I immediately sent it to him without thinking. I was too happy and grateful at the moment. I leaned back, letting myself rest against the wall. I slowly breathed in and our, realizing that my job was done. Ruv would probably be back soon.

"So how has life been treating you? Ever since you woke up from the coma, you immediately moved."

I frowned at the text. Reading it now, I truly did just up and leave without saying anything to Ron. An overwhelming feeling of guilt rushed over me. I felt horrible. From my memory, I was sure that I at least said by to my parents and Ron, but now reading this, it refreshed my memory.

I hadn't even said goodbye.

I inhaled, pushing away the feeling of regret. Just answer the question. You'll be able to see him in a few days. No big deal. It's been two years. If anything, you can apologize the day of the party, to him privately.

"Good! When I moved, I met two new people. They're great." The clicking sound from my phone was calming, and helped distracted me from my regretful feeling.

"That's good to hear. I'm assuming one of them is the birthday person?" He quickly responded. Ron always liked to pay attention to detail, so surprise he immediately connected the "two people" and the party.

"Yep! I'm still extremely happy that you'll be attending."

"And im glad that you were able to reach out to me, and that you hadn't forgotten about me." I was sure he was only coming to the party to reunite with me. Although, he'd never admit that if it was true.

"If anything, I was worried you had forgotten me, even though I was the one in a coma." I lightly laughed, realizing how stupid it was that he could've forgotten me.

"I feel like it'd be incredibly hard to forget you. You're a character, that's for sure." If we were together in person, I would have sarcastically gasped, pretending to be offended.

I specifically remembered the first time I did that when we were kids, and he immediately got panicked, worried he had actually offended me in some way. It was incredibly funny from my perspective, seeing as I sounded so sarcastic, and he still didn't take the hint. Idiot.

"I'll take that as a good thing. Ik im fantastic 🤩" I waited for Ron to reply back with something snotty and joking, but there was no response. I shrugged, he probably had something to do. He did have a job, unlike me.

Just as I placed my phone down, the engine of the truck came into ear's range. I immediately rushed to the garden to distract Sarv. Ruv needed to get the decorations in the house, and Sarv could not see any of the items.

"Oh, Y/N! Perfect. Would you mind helping Ruv bring those inside?" I panicked a bit. Had she seen the items? I looked over to where Sarv was pointing, and all of the decorations were in bags that weren't see-through. I inhaled, relieved that Ruv had thought of a disguise for the items.

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