Chapter 10

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I rolled over, sore from yesterday. The position I slept in wasn't the most comfortable, but I stayed warm. Continuously digging for at least 30 minutes didn't help either.

I groaned, sitting up from the bed I previously fell asleep on. I brushed my fingers through my H/L hair. I wiped my eyes, trying to adjust to the light seeping in from the window. I turned to Sarv's clock on her night stand. It read '4:52 PM'. I slid off of the bed, and my bare feet touched the cold wooden ground.

Shivers were sent up my spine, and I rubbed my arms in my hands, trying to warm myself up again. I continued on, walking past the bed, out of the bedroom, down the long hallway, and finally to the small living room. Sarv and Ruv accompanied the couch. 

Ruv turned to me as soon as I had caught sight of the two. Sarv turned her attention over to where I was, and motioned for me to come sit down. Sarv sat in the middle, and I sat next to her, leaning on the arm of the couch. Ruv did the same, but on the opposite side of Sarvente.

"How was your nap?" She smirked, jokingly. I sighed, and rubbed my forehead. Her smile faded, and Ruv turned his attention back to the TV, not caring about me at the moment.

"It was fine. I didn't expect my previous sleepless nights to catch up to me." I smiled, looking down at my hand that had just wiped my forehead. Sarv placed her hand on my shoulder, and made me look up at her.

"If you just need time to rest, or to get sleep back, let me know. Your well-being is more important." She spoke sweetly, and happily. I couldn't help but smile up at her. Sarv and I always had the little greeting of smiling to each other. We maybe did it too much.

Sarv took her hand away from my shoulder, and looked back to the TV. F/M (fav movie) was currently on. I sat up straighter, intrigued in the plot line of the story. Sarv paid no mind to me, but Ruv turned to me, seemingly noting that I liked the movie. I didn't mind his odd action though.

The movie continued to play on, and the three of us continued to watch it. Sarv had eventually left me and Ruv to continued the movie, so she could attend Church duties. I almost completely forgot she even had a job at that point. She waved the two of us goodbye, and went about her day.

The movie ended, and I was filled with many emotions because of the movie, but I wouldn't dare list them all. The couch creaked as Ruv stood up, walking out of the room. I glanced over at the remote, and snatched it away from the arm of the couch. I peered down at it, trying to find the off button.

A big red button in the top right had the on/off symbol on it. I pressed it, aiming the remote at the TV. It shut off, and I placed the remote on the arm of the couch next to me. I stood up, and looked to the kitchen door. It was open, so I walked over to it, and into the room.

"Sarv left us a note." Ruv called to me. I walked over to him, as he held the note in his hands. He didn't hand me the note, and I waited for him to either read it aloud, or give it to me. 

"Y/N, Ruv. Please go to the store for me. We need more food for this week. The grocery list is on the back of this note. <3"

Ruv read it aloud. He looked down at me, and back to the note. He groaned, and grabbed the wallet that was also on the counter next to the note. He handed me the note, turning it to the grocery list side.

"Here. You'll tell me what's on the list, and I'll get the items." Ruv walked past me, brushing his arm against my shoulder. I turned around, and quickly followed him. Both of our steps echoed through the church as we tried to quietly pass through it without disturbing Sarv and her mass.

We snuck out the door, and quietly shut it behind us. Ruv got into the truck, and I mimicked him. The truck's engine started as Ruv turned the car key to the left. He backed us out of the parking spot, and off we sped to a store to get the groceries.

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