Chapter 1

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(This book does contain curse words. I honestly don't know many people that aren't comfortable with curse words, but if you aren't comfortable with them, I would advise not reading this fanfiction)

I huffed as I struggled to pull my luggage up the apartment stairs. When I had figured out the elevator was broken, I was determined to get up the stairs with my luggage quickly. Screw my naive and persistent ass. 

I sighed, wiping my forehead to attempt to clear my dizziness, and sweat from the heat. Summer had only just started, and oh boy was it hot. It didn't help that I had to do physical labor at the moment, considering I was pretty weak. 

I bit the inside of my mouth, and looked up. I was nearing my destination. I thankfully only bought an apartment on the fifth floor. While it seemed pathetic that I was struggling this much, it made complete sense in my situation.

Someone that hasn't done much physical labor in 2 years hurts. After all, I was in a coma. It would definitely do a number on my body. I shivered remembering why I was in a coma, and immediately tried to push the thoughts away. Damn Ron. Damn his stupid ideas.

I picked my luggage back up, and continued carrying it up the stairs, one step at a time, trying to be as careful as possible. The luggage wasn't that heavy. At least I think. It was either that, or I had lost feeling in my arms.

I huffed, and looked to the door in front of me. "Floor 5" I read aloud. I smiled to myself in triumph. I smiled, and dragged the few boxes through the door, and shut it behind me. I scanned the doors, and read their apartment numbers.

"Room 21, Room 22, Room 23.." I stopped at Room 24. I reached my hand into my jacket pocket, and pulled out a keychain occupied by a few keys. I fumbled while looking for the apartment key, but eventually found it. I inserted the key into its lock, and turned. 

Once the door was unlocked, I placed the keys back into my pocket quickly. I dragged my luggage through the door, and let it fall to the ground. I pulled the door shut, and looked into the room. It was small, but for one person, it would do.

'Just get everything done quickly, and you can go check around town after without any worries' I told myself. I frowned to myself. I really needed to just get this place set up, and then I could do what I wanted. Being lazy was not a good idea, and I learned that years ago.

I pulled the keys out of my pocket, along with my phone, and placed them on top of the dresser. I then grabbed the top box on my pile that I had brought with me. 'Miscellaneous' is what the box read. I opened it, and it was accurate, a whole lot of random items were in the box. I started to unpack, and got to work placing things in the room, making it home.

Time Skip

I laid down on the bed, completely exhausted. At least an hour or two had passed from when I first started unpacking. Most of the time I spent figuring out where to place things, rather than actually placing them.

I got up, and grabbed my phone off of my dresser, checking the time and battery. It was now 2:45 PM and the battery was at 89%. Thankfully, my phone didn't die too quick. I sighed, and let my arm drop to my side. 

I sat up, and scooted over to the side of my bed. I opened the clock app on my device, and set an alarm for an hour later. I plugged in my phone, and fell backwards onto the bed. I shut my eyes, about to take a nap. I deserved one, and one was well needed. 

Sadly, I didn't get that though. 

My phone loudly buzzed. I sat up lazily and grabbed it, taking it off of the charger. On the lock screen, a notification was there, notifying a crime in the local area. I bit my lower lip, reading the notification out loud so I could understand and process the information better. 

"2:45 PM, a man dressed in a grey jacket, black pants plus shirt, topped with a gray ushanka stole from the local bank, (Bank Name). If you spot a man similar to this attire, please notify the local officials.." I placed the phone down onto my thigh and frowned.

"I knew this area wasn't the best.. but lord.." I sighed, and dropped my phone onto the side table, again. I shut my eyes once again, trying to drift off to sleep. To much success this time, thankfully. 

Time Skip

I fluttered my eyes opened to a loud buzzing noise. My phone. That's right, I set an alarm for it to wake me up. I sat up slowly, and grabbed the device. It was now at 64%. I stopped the alarm, and stood up, stretching. 

I walked to the dresser, and picked up my keys. I was planning to go out into the town, and look for something that radiated "I want to help" energy. This side of town needed a lot of help, and that's what I was here to do.

I opened the door, stepping out of it. I had forgotten to lock the door earlier. Thankfully no one came into the apartment room. I stepped out into the hallway, and locked the door behind me.

The dark red carpet occupied with a dark brown and a gold was very pleasing to the eye. I might have stared at its colors longer is I didn't have something else to prioritize at the moment. I made my way down the hallway, and thankfully the elevator was now fixed. I let out a sigh of relief. 

I stepped into the elevator, where rock tune started to play. Apparently, the song was made by a man name "Whitty". I shrugged the information off, and waited in the elevator, still listening to the song. It was both calming and energy filling at the same time.

The elevator dinged, and I stepped through the two doors once they opened. The main lobby was simple and small, just like the rest of the building. I walked back the receptionist, and waved to them. They waved back, with a cheerful smile. I returned it.

Once I was out of the building, I frowned to myself. That smile was clearly fake, which hurt me a bit. Did people really not know how to be happy? Or was it that they didn't know how to smile. Either way, everyone deserves happiness at some point in their life. 

I looked up at the sky. Its bright blue color still present from earlier this afternoon. A few more clouds were present, along with more birds. I looked down from the sky, and into the town in front of me. I was going to start with the outskirts of town first. They seemed promising, since they were closer to the positive side of town.

I walked along the sidewalk, turning many corners just to get to the edge of the town. Once I made it there, the first things I saw was a gigantic church. Its pastel pink color was absolutely stunning, and hypnotized me the moment I laid my eyes on it.

I walked towards it, not realizing what would happen to me once I entered the building. 


Welcome to the first chapter of this book! I understand that my readers are Undertale fans,
but I'm really into the Mid Fight Masses characters as well. <3


Words: 1298

Church's Light || ( Ruv X Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें