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camera pov

walks towards the chair.

May I start?

Yes, you may.


slowly bows and smiles

My name is Park Naeun, many know me as Eden, and um, I guess this is a documentary?

smiles and laughs

I'm not sure but I'll go on with it. The first thing I suppose I should talk about

squints eyes

Early childhood? Oh I see. I apologize for squinting, It's hard to read from here. Um lets see. As far as I can remember, I grew up in Korea till I was around I think four? 2006 I think is when I moved to America. I grew up in a nicer neighborhood since as you know my parents were also in the industry. When my parents became active again I was told to move to America with our neighbors since they had much trust in them. So rather than my brothers, I really grew up with Jaehyun for a while. I was fine in America since my dad spoke little english to me from a young age. Um, the only real hard thing was having to grow up with only Jaehyun there. Hyungsik and Bogum stayed in Korea since they started their child acting careers at the time. I didn't mind it though. At least I had Jaehyun you know?


Um let's see what else.. Oh! I came back to Korea in 2009 due to my parents passing. After they passed I had decided to stay in Korea from there on out. To be honest adapting back was difficult. Since I started school in America I had never been to school in Korea and it was difficult. It was also difficult because many people came up to me asking about how I felt about my parents

crosses legs and starts to fidget with fingers

Since I was only eleven it was very difficult for me. But yeah, it was a bit more difficult but I was okay. Not long after I started school I remember

starts smiling and laughing

Me and Jaehyun were walking home from school when you know those scouts from companies? Yeah they came up to us and handed us a card and told them to contact them. I remember that at first Jaehyun ripped the card in their face and told them to screw off; but as soon as we got home he started crying because he should've kept it. And then after that we went back to get the ripped card and we had made a deal. Who ever could get into the company first would win. And so we auditioned and made it into SM.

squints eyes

Did.. did anyone disagree with your decision? Hyungsik and Bogum were fine with it, they said if anything our parents would've been happy, and as for jaehyuns family they supported the idea. The idea of me going into the industry, not him.

smiles with staff laughing behind the camera

But yea, so then when I first joined-

looks behind the camera

Who did I first meet going into SM? I first met Jonghyun. Well all the members of Shinee, but my main focus was on Jonghyun yes. But yeah I started basic training in 2011 and was quickly praised by the company. After around two months after training the company had decided they wanted me to debut as an idol. They wanted me to debut right away because of

hesitates while trying to smile

well I'm not going to lie but because of my parents. But the only problem was they didn't plan on debuting a girl group any time soon so I was forced into a group called EXO. Which if you are a fan watching, you know I am a proud member of and we are still active

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