Update!! Sequel?

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So I'm well aware some people don't like the ending and wish there was more/an epilogue. I have it set up like this for a reason!

There will be a second book! I love these characters so much that I'm not done with them yet. However I do not have a date for when that is going to be posted, I am currently working on other stories with new characters. But don't worry I haven't forgotten about Gianna or the Romano brothers.

I can confirm that the second book is going to have plenty of drama - more than this one if possible. I will also go into depth of what Gianna had to endure while she was taken by Marcello. I'm not just going to put that in there and then act as if it never happened, it did.

So when I see comments that say "I want more!" don't worry I hear you and you will get more. But I need a break from this story line and characters to focus on others, who I hope you all will love just as much.

Thank you for reading and being patient with me.

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