Chapter Four: A Ball or A Death Wish

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TW:Shooting, Guns and Daggers, Blood


    The ball is tonight and we have everything prepared for the arrival of our mysterious guest. I know better than to think that everything is going to go smoothly with the girl making an appearance so the guard number has gone up and there's someone watching every door so she's not getting past us.

With me being the oldest and the boss now that mom and dad are gone I have to make sure my brothers are actually prepared for this event.

Luckily none of them have been drinking yet, I made the maids hide all the alcohol in the mansion to make sure my brothers stayed sober, at least until the party started. 

After making my rounds of the house and seeing that everything was in order, I headed up to my room for a shower before people started to show up.

I made sure to have a cold shower because knowing that the girl would show up tonight and tease the fuck out of me it would be a good idea to be somewhat ahead.

I shaved my face and slicked back my hair and headed into my king size walk-in closet to find the suit my maid had laid out for me to wear tonight. It was a classic 3-piece all black suit with a gold tie and matching gold mask for the ball.

Once I walked downstairs the party was in full swing but there was still no sign of the girl yet, knowing her she's probably going to do some extra grand entrance tonight, which for some reason got me excited.

Fuck I just need to keep my dick in my pants for one night it's not that hard goddamn.

"Nicholas, we have spotted an unknown vehicle approaching the estate. We're expecting that it's the girl. Want us to not let her in?" Said one of the guards.
"No, Lorenzo let her in. This night just started to get interesting."


    As I approached the Romano estate I just hoped everything would go according to plan or someone would get killed back at the house.

It being a masquerade ball and all I was dressed in a sparkly champagne dress with a plunging neckline and a slit that went to mid-thigh.

I still had a gun strapped to my leg out of sight and a dagger in my top just in case things went south, which I'm expecting to happen. My hair was down in curls and I had a matching champagne mask and gold lip on.

As I anticipated, the guards let me walk right into the ball without searching me for weapons, the plan was already working out.

Once I entered the ballroom I looked around for some girl that I paid to let me shoot her for the whole "dramatic distraction" thing.

The shit people will do for money.

As soon as I spotted her I began to mingle with everyone there. Everyone was extremely boring and I couldn't wait for this night to be over, I hadn't even spotted all high and mighty Nicholas.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear because Nicholas spotted me and started to head my way.

"Well you do clean-up well." Nicholas said while he looked my small frame up and down.

"You don't look too bad yourself Mr. Romano." I said, smirking back.
"Call me Nick, Mr. Romano was my father."
"Nah I'll stick with Nicholas instead."

"Anyway, want to dance now."
"I suppose."

He pulled me onto the dance floor and I went along with it to kill time before I got onto the whole shooting someone part of my plan.

"So mystery girl, tell me about yourself."
"Mystery girl?"
"Yes, you've never actually told me your name yet you know mine."

"You don't get to know my name." I snapped back.
"I will find out, you know. Anyways, tell me about yourself. How do you know about the mafia?"

"Well Mr. Romano, you aren't the only one in a mafia family here." I said knowing he'd never be able to find out if I was lying. His reaction was priceless.

"What do you mean? You're in the mafia business?"

And before I had to answer the lights in the ballroom went dark and that's when I knew it was my queue to get this plan in motion.

I pushed Nicholas off of me and ran to the top of the master staircase and made eye contact with the girl I hired before shooting her right in the leg.

It wouldn't have major effects on her but would be enough of a distraction so no one would notice I'm gone.

Once the lights turned back on I was far enough from the ballroom that no one would ever know where I went.



The lights went out and I knew straight away that the girl was behind it. I was shoved backwards then a gunshot went and people were screaming, it was hectic. The lights turned back on and I could see a girl had been shot in the leg and I scanned the room and the girl was gone.

I immediately called for my men to lock down the estate, no one was getting in or out.

I ran upstairs towards my office since that's most likely where the girl would be. I had my gun out and ready and entered my office to see her sitting in my chair with a smile on her face.

She got up from the chair, walked towards me and locked the door and slowly walked back to my desk and sat on it.

Fuck wrong time to get a hard on, Nicholas.

"Oh no you caught me, whatever am I to do?" She said, her words dripping in sarcasm.

"Listen here closely, you do not get to come in here and threaten me! Are you fucking mad?"
"Oh my bad?" She said as she tilted her head back and laughed.

She got up off the desk and walked towards me as I raised my gun.

"Oh trust me Nicholas you don't want to shoot me." She said with daring eyes as she pulled a gun off her leg.

"Oh and why's that?" I said with the same daring look.
"Because your body is saying something different." She said as she slowly ran her hand over my cock.

My breath got caught in the back of my throat but I quickly changed my expression to emotionless. Hoping to show that she had no effect on me. I turned us around and trapped her in my arms against the wall making us both drop our guns.

"Listen girl, you don't hold any power in this world. You made a bad decision choosing to mess with the Romanos!"
"Meh, I wouldn't agree with that statement. Oh and I call me Gianna, girl makes me sound like a child."

"Oh so it just took me threatening to get your name out of you?"
"No your just fucking annoying trying to act hard and show off your power to me when I don't care."

"Oh Gia you should care."

As soon as I said her name like that I instantly regretted it, she looked like she would kill me. The girl who was just joking around and bitching was gone in her place was a heartless assassin.

"Don't You Dare Call Me Gia Ever Again!" She yelled and next thing I knew I was against the wall and she had a dagger to my neck.

She was pressing it so hard blood was running down her hand and her dress. She clearly had a goal and it was to kill so I didn't dare move or she would slit my throat instantly.

Lucky for me my brothers came in the room and ripped Gianna off me and knocked her out cold. She looked completely lifeless.

"What do you want us to do with her?" Luca asked as he held her body.
"Kill her?" Matteo said wanting to get blood on his hands.

"No, don't kill her, she could be useful. Lock her up in the cellar and get the rest of these people out of my house now!"

With that my brothers left my office carrying Gianna's lifeless body. I so desperately wanted to know more about this girl and what the hell had happened to her to make her be this way?

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